My HAOS is running on a Dell 3050 TinyPC, bare metal install.
Now, these PCs will throttle the CPU down to 800 MHz / 0.78 GHz / 0.79 GHz if the power adapter is not the exact proper wattage (there’s a data pin for that).
There’s no option in BIOS to address the throttling, and the i5-6500T CPU is quite slow at that speed.
Win and Linux can address this by setting CPU BD PROCHOT to off.
For example, in Linux, after installing the necessary packages, you would execute
sudo wrmsr -a 0x1a0 0x850089 && sudo echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo
Now…I was able to access the Home Assistant OS. However…there’s no package manager? I can’t install anything?
Or maybe there’s an addon that can address the issue?
----- later edit ------
I see there’s a similar topic (unanswered), here:
Can I Disable BD Prochot on Home Assistant OS? - Installation / Home Assistant OS - Home Assistant Community