HAOS unable to connect to github

I was trying to install HACS and I have having the issue of downloading the the HACS install zip. I had to add the google ( namserver to the /etc/resolv.conf file, and I was able to download the zip. Then I had the issue of authenticating with github. Every time I try to authenticate, it says:

Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 12.15.26 AM

To confirm this isn’t an issue with HACS, I also tried installing the github integration, and the same issue occurs. I see the following error messages in the log.

2023-12-09 22:16:45.070 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.hacs] Request exception for 'https://github.com/login/device/code' with - Cannot connect to host github.com:443 ssl:default [Try again]
2023-12-09 22:16:59.905 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.github] Request exception for 'https://github.com/login/device/code' with - Cannot connect to host github.com:443 ssl:default [Try again]

Here’s my system information.

Version core-2023.12.1
Installation Type Home Assistant OS
Development false
Supervisor true
Docker true
User root
Virtual Environment false
Python Version 3.11.6
Operating System Family Linux
Operating System Version 6.1.63-haos
CPU Architecture x86_64
Configuration Directory /config

I’ve been looking for solutions to this across the the community pages, github and on reddit and I’ve found people facing similar issues, but no clear way to solve it.

I can ping github.com and get a response, but it I ping github.com/login/device/code, I get the following:

ping: bad address 'github.com/login/device/code'

I followed the comment by kheno in this link, but it did not solve my issues.

I do have a pihole as my local dns, but even if I disable blocking (or turn it off entirely), it seems to have no effect on home assistant.

The only other source I found was this: HACS - Communication issue? - Could not authenticate with GitHub - #3 by Segullah
and while I used balena etcher to write my HAOS onto my NUC, it didn’t lag at 31%, so I don’t think this is an issue that applies to me?

Anyone have any ideas of something else I could try?

I also see the same problem… any news regards that issue ?

Ok I bit the bullet and reinstalled used the USBImager reinstall linked by Segullah (Flashing hard drive get stuck at 31% (balena fetcher) - #48 by Damos)

It worked. I have install HACS no problem. So apparently it’s possible to have experienced this issue with Balena Etcher even if it didn’t stall when installing. If you used Balena Etcher, try reinstalling with USBImager.

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