I’ve been hacking away at this for a while and I’m at a dead end. I use Homebridge for my HomeKit integration and I use to use the Harmony plugin for it, but it crashes a lot. It was good when it did work and I got use to having Switches in my HomeKit for my Harmony activities. Seems like a good option for integration.
I’ve been trying to create switches in Home Assistant for my Harmony Activities so I can then expose those to Homebridge. I’ve been able to get an input select to change activities on my Harmony, but I can’t get those setup as switches that I can setup for Homebridge.
Does anyone else have this kind of setup and is approach the best way to get Harmony into HomeKit? Any insights and help would be greatly appreciated!
Trying to do something similar for the same reasons.
To get started, I mostly have an Input_Select working in the HASS UI using this post as a guide (mostly because one of my options isn’t working, but most are):
Next step, how to surface this in HomeKit… This post claims, “Homebridge doesn’t allow scripts to be mapped over for use with Siri” and suggest Input_Boolean, but doesn’t provide any details.
Frankly, I’m having problems finding documentation on things like Input_Select and Input_Boolean so I’m having to search for examples to try to get details (EDIT: Guess these are “components”, so when I searched the component list for “input” if found some documentation). Don’t know if Input_Selects or Automations can be mapped over by Homebridge, but that’s the search track I’m currently on.
So of the types supported by the Homebridge add-on I’m leaning toward automation, input_boolean, media_player, remote, scene, or switch as possible tracks…
Don’t know if any of this provides you breadcrumbs to follow, but I’m searching for the same kind of solution if you find it!
Just an update, I decided to go back to the Homebridge Harmony plugin https://github.com/KraigM/homebridge-harmonyhub and I haven’t had any issues for the last 4 days. I’m running 0.3.0-alpha.2
Sure. So I’m not so keen on just running Harmony activities, as sometimes something doesn’t trigger correctly (e.g. sometimes it won’t always switch to the correct HDMI port) and once a Harmony activity has been run you can’t activate it again (have to run another activity and then run the one you wanted originally again).
So what I do is send separate commands through the Harmony instead of the ‘proper’ activities.
So first I created scripts for individual commands