Harmony Remote Card

activityEntity: select.harmony_hub_activities

  • activity: OTA
  • activity: Watch Roku

You need to add the activityEntity: select.harmony_hub_activities.


Is it an idea @ljmerza to add this line to your example code in your 1st post?

Yes, that did it, thank you!

I second the suggestion to add this to the first post and example config.

Thanks again.

It did in the images I posted, good catch, but I corrected that soon after. I was missing the activityEntity line.

Hi all, I am new with Home Assistant and want to get started with these harmony remote cards.
I have searched and searched again but I can’t figure out where to begin.
In what config file do I add info and how can I get the card to add to my dashboard.

I hope someone can help get started with this.


Hi. In your HA, go to the dashboard/view you want the card to be on, choose Edit (dashboard) at top right, choose Add card at bottom right, choose ‘Manual’ (card) (at the bottom), paste in the code at the top of this thread and go from there…

In case you need more help, maybe share specifics about versions etc of HA and your remote.


Okay, that simple :man_facepalming:.
I will go and work with that and if I need more help I will come back here.

Thanks a lot.

Hi there, new to HA but I got this to work quite well with all my devices.
The only thing I don’t seem to get to work is the OK command.

It’s in the config and to be sure I also added an extra ok button to my TV configuration in which I tried other confirmation terms like “enter” and “confirm” and things like “ok_key” etc.

I just can’t seem to get it to work, and as someone else stated earlier the Hub isn’t responding to the commands either.

I hope someone can help.

Do you have a line with ‘showPad: true’, or show_Pad? In this thread you can read about a plan to change it to show_Pad, but for now, my config (the yaml for the card in the UI) reads showPad, and this works for me.

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I did have a line with show_Pad: somewhere.
I’ve now changed it to showPad: true and added the line to all installations.

I did see another line in the thread you linked (that included a term that I hadn’t tried)

showPad: true
**centerPad: Select**

I’ve added this to the sctript and I’ll try them when I get home later.

Thanks for the help so far, I’ll report again with news.

Ì did a definitive test, works like a charm!
Adding my current script (Still WiP) so it may help others.

type: custom:harmony-remote-card
entity: remote.harmony_hub
activityEntity: select.harmony_hub_activities
showPad: true
centerPad: select
  - activity: Tv kijken
    name: TV kijken
    icon: mdi:television
  - activity: Een film kijken
    name: DVD kijken
    icon: mdi:audio-video
  - name: Samsung Tv
    friendly_name: TV
    icon: mdi:television
      - name: Menu
        command: SmartHub
      - name: Source
        command: source
      - name: Back
        command: return
      - name: Exit
        command: exit
      - name: Ziggo Box
        command: InputHdmi1
      - name: PS5
        command: InputHdmi2
        icon: mdi:sony-playstation
      - name: AVR
        command: InputHdmi3
        icon: mdi:speaker
      - name: null
        hide_name: true
      - name: Play
        hide_name: true
        command: play
        icon: mdi:play
      - name: Pause
        hide_name: true
        command: pause
        icon: mdi:pause
      - name: Stop
        hide_name: true
        command: stop
        icon: mdi:stop
      - name: null
        hide_name: true
      - name: Rewind
        hide_name: true
        command: rewind
        icon: mdi:rewind
      - name: Skipback
        hide_name: true
        command: skipbackward
        icon: mdi:skip-backward
      - name: SkipForward
        hide_name: true
        command: skipforward
        icon: mdi:skip-forward
      - name: FForward
        hide_name: true
        command: fastforward
        icon: mdi:fast-forward
      - 1
      - 2
      - 3
      - 4
      - 5
      - 6
      - 7
      - 8
      - name: CH
        command: channelDown
        icon: mdi:menu-down
      - 9
      - 0
      - name: CH
        command: channelUp
        icon: mdi:menu-up
      - name: Volume Down
        hide_name: true
        command: VolumeDown
        icon: mdi:volume-minus
      - name: Mute
        hide_name: true
        command: mute
        icon: mdi:volume-mute
      - name: Volume Up
        hide_name: true
        command: VolumeUp
        icon: mdi:volume-plus
  - name: Ziggo DVR
    friendly_name: Ziggo Box
    icon: mdi:play-network
      - name: Home
        command: home
      - name: TV Gids
        command: Guide
      - Menu
      - Info
      - 1
      - 2
      - 3
      - 4
      - 5
      - 6
      - 7
      - 8
      - name: CH
        command: channelDown
        icon: mdi:menu-down
      - 9
      - 0
      - name: CH
        command: channelUp
        icon: mdi:menu-up
      - name: Play
        hide_name: true
        command: play
        icon: mdi:play
      - name: Pause
        hide_name: true
        command: pause
        icon: mdi:pause
      - name: Stop
        hide_name: true
        command: stop
        icon: mdi:stop
      - Back
  - name: Denon AV-ontvanger
    friendly_name: Versterker
    icon: mdi:speaker
      - name: Xbox
        command: inputDVD
      - name: Blu Ray
        command: inputBlu-ray
      - name: Switch
        command: inputMediaplayer
      - name: TV
        command: inputTVAudio
      - name: Volume Down
        hide_name: true
        command: VolumeDown
        icon: mdi:volume-minus
      - name: Mute
        hide_name: true
        command: mute
        icon: mdi:volume-mute
      - name: Volume Up
        hide_name: true
        command: VolumeUp
        icon: mdi:volume-plus
  - name: Panasonic Blu-ray Player
    friendly_name: DVD Speler
    icon: mdi:play-box
      - name: Power
        hide_name: true
        command: PowerToggle
        icon: mdi:power
      - name: Home
        hide_name: true
        command: home
        icon: mdi:home
      - Menu
      - name: Top
        command: top
      - name: Play
        hide_name: true
        command: play
        icon: mdi:play
      - name: Pause
        hide_name: true
        command: pause
        icon: mdi:pause
      - name: Stop
        hide_name: true
        command: stop
        icon: mdi:stop
      - name: Eject
        hide_name: true
        command: eject
        icon: mdi:eject
      - name: Skipback
        hide_name: true
        command: skipbackward
        icon: mdi:skip-backward
      - name: SkipForward
        hide_name: true
        command: skipforward
        icon: mdi:skip-forward
      - name: Rewind
        hide_name: true
        command: rewind
        icon: mdi:rewind
      - name: FForward
        hide_name: true
        command: fastforward
        icon: mdi:fast-forward
      - 1
      - 2
      - 3
      - 4
      - 5
      - 6
      - 7
      - 8
      - 9
      - 0

Hi, me again.

Now with a question of a cosmetic nature.
Is it possible to hide buttons or create spacing between them?

Right now I placed some empty buttons to get a good layout on the dashboard which hosts the remote, but I wonder if it’s possible to place lines laid out as the volume buttons at the bottom.

1 Like

Hello everyone,
i am very new here and i am stuck. i have the following code

type: custom:harmony-remote-card
entity: remote.harmony_hub
activityEntity: select.harmony_hub_activities
centerPad: select
showPad: false
  - activity: Fernsehen
    name: Fernsehen
  - activity: Apple TV sehen
    name: Apple TV sehen

and this is what i get

What am I doing wrong?
Can anyone help me?

Did you carefully read the top post, all options, and check out the example config at Harmony Remote Card ? Is what is shown in the picture you share, all your config for the Harmony card? If so, seems you’re missing stuff, see sample config in top post. Also take not where ‘harmony_xxxxxx.conf’ is mentioned in that 1st post: you need to check out that file which should be in your HA-root, since what you add in the yaml config of the card needs to correspond to what is present in the harmony_xxxxx.conf file

Hi, I hope I have read everything and inserted it accordingly.
here is my new code - the devices are displayed, but the activities are not:

type: custom:harmony-remote-card
entity: remote.harmony_hub
activityEntity: select.harmony_hub_activities
  - activity: Fernsehen
  - name: Amazon Fire TV
      - Menu
      - Back
  - name: Apple TV
      - Menu
      - Back
  - name: Panasonic-Fernseher
    icon: mdi:television
      - Mute
      - Menu
      - Back
      - name: HDMI 1
        command: InputHdmi1
      - name: HDMI 2
        command: InputHdmi2
      - name: HDMI 3
        command: InputHdmi3
showPad: false
centerPad: select


and here the code of the harmony_11975725.conf:

"Activities": {
        "-1": "PowerOff",
        "51004413": "Fernsehen",
        "51007044": "Apple TV sehen"

I can’t find the error.

Not sure, but fyi my harmony…conf: (can’t get indention right, but for you idea)

“Activities”: {
“-1”: “PowerOff”,
“30885419”: “Living lights on”,
“40545999”: “WatchTV”,
“40546052”: “Netflix etc”,
“47798256”: “Youtube”,
“50987994”: “TV on only”
“Devices”: {
“Arris DVR”: {
“commands”: [
snipped for readability…
“id”: “50956617”

So i wonder why your harmony…conf is that short and doesn’t contain commands.

Maybe you can try to delete your harmony…conf file and rebooting HA (real proper reboot, not the quick ones), just like someone with a similar sounding problem here

Sorry, I just sent you an extract. My conf file looks like yours above with activities, devices etc.
The part with the devices does work, but the activities are not displayed - only an “off”-Button.

Did you already try to reboot HA (again, not one of the quick 2 quick reboot options, but a proper reboot) and see if that changes anything?

Yes, but the problem still exists.

Sorry to hear. I’ve run out of ideas, hope someone else will step in and try to make it work for you…