Harmony Remote Card

Did you carefully read the top post, all options, and check out the example config at Harmony Remote Card ? Is what is shown in the picture you share, all your config for the Harmony card? If so, seems you’re missing stuff, see sample config in top post. Also take not where ‘harmony_xxxxxx.conf’ is mentioned in that 1st post: you need to check out that file which should be in your HA-root, since what you add in the yaml config of the card needs to correspond to what is present in the harmony_xxxxx.conf file

Hi, I hope I have read everything and inserted it accordingly.
here is my new code - the devices are displayed, but the activities are not:

type: custom:harmony-remote-card
entity: remote.harmony_hub
activityEntity: select.harmony_hub_activities
  - activity: Fernsehen
  - name: Amazon Fire TV
      - Menu
      - Back
  - name: Apple TV
      - Menu
      - Back
  - name: Panasonic-Fernseher
    icon: mdi:television
      - Mute
      - Menu
      - Back
      - name: HDMI 1
        command: InputHdmi1
      - name: HDMI 2
        command: InputHdmi2
      - name: HDMI 3
        command: InputHdmi3
showPad: false
centerPad: select


and here the code of the harmony_11975725.conf:

"Activities": {
        "-1": "PowerOff",
        "51004413": "Fernsehen",
        "51007044": "Apple TV sehen"

I can’t find the error.

Not sure, but fyi my harmony…conf: (can’t get indention right, but for you idea)

“Activities”: {
“-1”: “PowerOff”,
“30885419”: “Living lights on”,
“40545999”: “WatchTV”,
“40546052”: “Netflix etc”,
“47798256”: “Youtube”,
“50987994”: “TV on only”
“Devices”: {
“Arris DVR”: {
“commands”: [
snipped for readability…
“id”: “50956617”

So i wonder why your harmony…conf is that short and doesn’t contain commands.

Maybe you can try to delete your harmony…conf file and rebooting HA (real proper reboot, not the quick ones), just like someone with a similar sounding problem here

Sorry, I just sent you an extract. My conf file looks like yours above with activities, devices etc.
The part with the devices does work, but the activities are not displayed - only an “off”-Button.

Did you already try to reboot HA (again, not one of the quick 2 quick reboot options, but a proper reboot) and see if that changes anything?

Yes, but the problem still exists.

Sorry to hear. I’ve run out of ideas, hope someone else will step in and try to make it work for you…