Harmony support ready for PR?

With the help of @rpitera, @mihalski, @gazzer82, and @philhawthorne in another thread I think I’m finally ready to submit a PR for support of harmony hubs as a new remote component.

Completed Items

I wasn’t sure if my platform should be included in the .coveragerc file. I’m leaning towards yes since it uses a third party library to communicate with the Harmony devices but wanted to confirm

Am I missing anything else?


@iandday this has been working solidly for me! So I would say it’s good-to-go!

My only other change (which I didn’t get around to putting in and putting a PR in to your fork for) was making the number of polling seconds a config option.

Looks like that functionality is already built in!

  - platform: harmony
    name: Bedroom
    username: !secret username
    password: !secret password
    port: 5222
    activity: BedroomTV
    scan_interval: 60
  - platform: harmony
    name: Family Room
    username: !secret username
    password: !secret password
    port: 5222
    activity: Kodi
    scan_interval: 15

Well! Must have missed that one :wink:
