Has anyone had any experience with Sonoff RF Wireless Switches?

Has anyone had any experience with these?


I’m wondering if they can be used with the Sonoff RF Bridge to be a switch available for use in Home Assistant.

It would be great to have a physical switch that could run scripts or automations!

I have found one a bit cheaper on UK eBay.

Might buy one and give it a go.

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nice work! I am thinking the same - Do you have a Sonoff RF Bridge? I have one on order from China.

Yes I have one flashed with Tasmota firmware.

Not really done anything with it yet another than read a status of a door sensor when it changes from Open to Closed. Not made any automations yet.

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Cool! I’ll be keen to see what happens - I might order one of these two - See who’s gets here first! :slight_smile:

My two Switches came today.

They pretty much behave the same as the RF Door Sensors I documented here:

They only seem to send one command though as you would expect and the command gets sent when you release your finger. (There might be a low battery command?)

To use them with a Sanoff Bridge you would do something along the lines of

- alias: Trigger Something
    platform: mqtt
    topic: tele/sonoffBridge/RESULT
    condition: template
    value_template: '{{ trigger.payload_json.RfReceived.Data == "123456" }}'
    - service: homeassistant.turn_off
      entity_id: group.AllLights

That’s great news! I’m still waiting on mine, but I’m glad to know they can be used in that way! Thanks for updating! :grin: