Has anyone tried the Sengled LED bulb with the HUSBZB-1?

Thank you for the detailed reply. I already have the Nortek stick. I’ll order the bulb and give it a shot.

I have 3 Ikea Tradfri bulbs.
I tried the pairing technique described above and was able to pair all three of them with the HUSBZB-1 stick. I powered off the Ikea Tradfri gateway to ensure the bulbs are only controlled from the HUSBZB-1.

Before I attempted the pairing I removed the bulbs from the Ikea gateway via the Tradfri app on my phone.
The bulbs did not flash at all to indicate that the pairing was successful
I am able to dim the bulbs from the HASS control panel.

The Ikea bulbs I have are labeled:
Tradfri LED
1000 lm
12.5 W

I just found the brightness if you click on the light in the panel you can adjust the brightness
Also have one of the Cree bulbs works the same as the Sengled.

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I’m looking to add Sengled Zigbee lights and will get the HUSBZB-1 to do this but can I also configure that stick to control my Zwave devices? If so, I can retire my Zstick and maybe sell it on Ebay to recoup some of the cost.

Are you also using the stick for Zwave? How would this be configured?


If you only have the HUSBZB-1 connected, then the zwave will be on USB0 and the zigbee/zha will be on USB1:

  usb_path: /dev/ttyUSB0
  network_key: !secret zwave_network_key

  usb_path: /dev/ttyUSB1
  database_path: /path/to/zigbee.db

Be sure to read up on creating a secure network_key if you plan on connecting secure z-wave devices (like a lock, for example), otherwise that line is not necessary.

Is anyone able to get ZHA to report the right state for the Sengled lights when operating them with a physical switch?
More details on my issue: Sengled Lights not reporting state when operated manually

Same issue with manually switched on Sengled lights. ZHA does not detect status.

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I created an issue on github: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/11782

I had one of these bulbs paired with my usb zigbee hub, then gave Smartthings a try and paired it to the Smartthings hub. It didn’t take long for me to realize Smartthings wasn’t what I wanted, so I returned it. Now I can’t seem to pair my Sengled bulb with my usb hub again. I believe I unpaired in the Smartthings app before returning the hub. I’ve tried on/off 10 times quickly to factory reset the bulb, I’ve cleared my zigbee.db file, and tried multiple different techniques when running the zha permit service. None of these have worked for me, does anyone have a solution? I really loved having a $10 bulb that worked with Homeassistant!

I also ordered another Sengled bulb from Amazon and haven’t been able to get that one to pair either. The very first time I paired a Sengled bulb to the usb hub it was incredibly easy, maybe 20 seconds for the entire pairing process.

When I switched my bulbs from smartthings to HA, I removed them from smartthings, put my HA in permit mode, and turn the bulb on/off like 5 times and it paired right away.

I think I’ve tried that exact way of doing it, but I’ll give it a few more tries. Thanks.

I had to do the on/off ten times and never saw it flicker got frustrated and tried zha.permit and it paired.

Has anyone tried these with a Hue hub?

Curious about using them with Hue hub as well. For $12.99/bulb vs $19.97/bulb (Hue) it’s a steal if they can be operated through my Hue system.

I have successfully paired Sengled element classic bulbs (the 2700 K ones) directly to my HUSBZB-1 and no issues restarting the bulbs or HA! Awesome! I think this was a recent addition.

Not sure how to unpair, to pair I just called the zha.permit service then provided power to the bulb. It flashed to confirm inclusion.

No I’m pretty sure its been that way for a long time. I started using HA a year ago and they were pretty much the first things I paired into it.

To reset bulb from on position turn on/off 10 times fast
Light will flash 5 time if it works.
When you connect these to HA with permit it will flash if connected

Adding my feedback regarding these bulb and the HUSBZB-1:

Overall they’ve worked great - reliable, easy to dim, etc. They are not zigbee repeaters, but I got a few Iris smart plugs and put them around the house and now have no issues.

I did run into an odd issue: Since updating from 66 to 71 (now I’m using 73.1). My error log is full of “Updating zha sensor took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:30” that pops up 2-3 times a minute. I’m unable to control any zigbee devices. If I reset HA, the bulbs work again for a bit, but then this same error pops up. I just tried deleting my zigbee.db and re-added all the bulbs after a factory reset. Hopefully that does the trick. Anyone else encounter this?

Also one other question, with one of the HA updates, I’m not seeing that there is a sensor for each of these bulbs. It looks like a wattage sensor (little w at the bottom). However it’s showing me 85 watts which doesn’t make sense. Also, I’m not sure how big of a value add this is considering the bulbs will almost always use the same wattage (which is very low). Am I understanding this right? or is this sensor telling me something different?

I had this issue with all of my Zigbee devices a while back and they are all back to normal now. I’m not sure what update it was, but it seems like everything was back to normal after an update.

Usually bulbs are not repeaters since they can be turned off from mains.

I have 4 of the bulbs and they show weird wattages that never change. 0, 16 24 and 24. Not that I need them.