Sengled Lights not reporting state when operated manually

Before getting started with HA, I bought a Smartthings hub (actually the link for Nvidia Shield), and some Sengled Classic lights.

When paired to the smartthings hub, the light always report their state correctly, even when operated by a manual switch:

  • light on, turn off physical switch -> light reported off
  • light off from physical switch, turn on physical switch -> light reported on

Now I’ve finally associated these lights with my HUSBZB-1 stick, and the ZHA component doesn’t seem to update the light state when operating the switch.
The state is always stuck to the last state set through the component.

Anyone else noticing this? I don’t see anything special in the logs, is there anything I can do to help troubleshoot the issue?

I have the exact same situation, therefore the exact same complaint.

It would be nice to, at a minimum, set the state to “unknown” or “dead” or something.

From what I’ve gathered (see logs) in the Github issue I opened, the hub receives no frames when the bulb is turned off manually.

That means there’s no way to mark the bulb as “dead” except by timing it out. From what I’ve seen the bulb sends a keep alive / ping every 10 minutes or so, so it probably take 20 - 30 minutes to mark a bulb as disconnected.

What is weird is that smartthings knows the bulb is off within a few seconds when switched off, so the bulb must transmit something (which is confirmed by the docs). Maybe the hub needs to subscribe to something in the bulb? I don’t know anything about Zigbee so that’s just guessing.