Just installed HASS on Raspberry Pi 2 running raspian and the empathy browser. When I navigate to the locally hosted website, it hangs on the splash screen forever. When accessing the same website via my iPhone, it moves past that fairly quickly to the control panel.
Anyone have any ideas I can try? Very frustrating issue.
I have since confirmed that this error is linked to the Epiphany browser that comes with the standard image of Raspian.
I am now using UZBL, which I actually find perfect for this and it doesn’t hang at load. It seems Epiphany was struggling to load some sort of webkit resource, I imagine.
I know this seems to be solved but I’d like to re-open it in the hope someone can suggest something in my case.
I’m running HASS on a Pi 2, accessing it from a PC and mobile works perfect, accessing it remotely from my dashboard running Raspbian on a Pi B+ gets stuck (as above) on the splash screen. I’ve tried Chromium, Epiphany, UZBL, heck, even Midori, none of the browsers get past the splash screen. The dev console in chromium shows nothing at first, but after a minute or so I get:
Uncaught TypeError: Object #Performance has no method ‘now’
which seems to be called in webcomponents-lite.min.js (line 11)
and then a couple of warnings:
Resource interpreted as Font but transferred as MIME type application/font-sfnt…
I’m about to do a fresh install of this in a few days, so I’ll see if I can replicate what happens. In my case, UZBL solved it, so interesting to hear that it hasn’t worked for you.