I’m running HASS on a Pi 2, accessing it from a PC and mobile works perfect, accessing it remotely from my dashboard running Raspbian on a Pi B+ (different to where it’s installed) with the 7" Pi touch display gets stuck on the splash screen. I’ve tried Chromium, Epiphany, UZBL, heck, even Midori, none of the browsers get past the splash screen. The dev console in chromium shows nothing at first, but after a minute or so I get:
Uncaught TypeError: Object #Performance has no method ‘now’
which seems to be called in webcomponents-lite.min.js (line 11)
and then a couple of warnings:
Resource interpreted as Font but transferred as MIME type application/font-sfnt…
any ideas?
also, I realize this is a duplicate of HASS hangs on web browser, but that post is pretty old (and seems solved somehow). I’m also curious to see if anyone else has actually got this working?
If this has ever happened to me, it’s because the frontend is cached and the server address is wrong.
Example, on my internal network I access home.my-host.com:8123 but remotely I have to drop the port. I have 2 browser windows for this, and if I open the wrong one for wherever I am the frontend loads but hangs.
So the only thing i can suggest (maybe others can pipe in) is you check you can actually access the API from wherever you are.