I have Pi3 and I Bought Kingston a400 240gb and sata-usb3 adapter to it. I then downloaded the Hass.io 3.5rc and burned that to the SSD with balenaetcher.
When I plug in the SSD with USB to the Pi 3 and boot, nothing happens. There nothing going on and on the display there is nothing showing.
What I am doing wrong? Are there steps that I have forgot?
echo program_usb_boot_mode=1 | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt
But this alone did not work.
Second change I needed was
echo program_usb_boot_timeout=1 | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt
Which changes the timeout to 5 seconds. After this change, boot from SSD worked fine.
NOTE: These both changes are permanent and only working for Pi 3 since Pi 4 does not support full USB boot yet!