Hass.io Add-on: Xbox One

Did you add the manifest.json and init.py to the custom component folder for xboxone?

yes but still when I hit the start button nothing happens

@jmhill1287 Yeah. I realized after posting, that step doesn’t appear to be needed. It looks like I’ve got most of the functionality up and running. Power On/Off from the dashboard works fine.

Now to figure out how to get it into HomeKit as a Switch.

@ArisSaraiva This may be anecdotal but I had trouble hitting as well. I hit Rebuild and then it allowed me to start the service.

I am using: https://github.com/jmhill1287/hassio-addons

I´m using jmhill1287

After adding the files, it is working now. Thanks!

rebuilding did the trick thanks very much for all your efforts

Here’s what I use for my homekit in my configuration.yaml if it helps:

# enable and set-up homekit
 auto_start: false
     - light
     - binary_sensor
     - switch
     - sensor
     - alarm_control_panel
     - media_player
     - binary_sensor.test1
     - binary_sensor.stbutton1
     - binary_sensor.jasco_products_45852_000a1003_2
       - feature: on_off
       - feature: on_off`
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Hi All,
I’m stuck. Hi have tried jmhill1287’s fork, but to no avail, and looking for guidance. Net thus far, component doesn’t really install/start.

*** Environment ***
rPI-3B, hassio v0.92.2
HassOS 2.8, production

*** Steps to Repro ***

  1. Uninstalled any XboxOne Add-on

  2. Rebooted Pi

  3. Added URL reference to: https://github.com/jmhill1287/hassio-addons

  4. Tried to install Add-on, but after clicking Install – just spun for 15 minutes. Bailed and searched logs.

  5. Created manifest.json and init.py in \\config\custom_components\xboxone

  6. Looking in Hassio/System, found logs showing:

    19-05-05 07:00:02 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Create Home Assistant add-on data folder /data/addons/data/bd699e07_xboxone
    19-05-05 07:00:03 INFO (SyncWorker_4) [hassio.docker.addon] Start build bd699e07/aarch64-addon-xboxone:2.0.0
    19-05-05 07:05:08 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize
    19-05-05 07:05:08 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_nodered
    19-05-05 07:05:08 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Updated Home Assistant API token
    19-05-05 07:05:08 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request running
    19-05-05 07:07:43 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.utils] Can’t execute install while a task is in progress
    19-05-05 07:08:15 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.utils] Can’t execute run while a task is in progress

Any guidance you can provide would be appreciated.


Same here.

Did you make the custom components folder for xboxone yourself or was it just there when you navigated to it? Cause if it was already there, then the install at least started. Did you check the logs in the add-on itself to see if it gave you any info?

Someone farther up the thread had some luck by rebuilding the addon. Have you tried that?

The installation is obviously super fickle and I’m not sure why. I didn’t develop the initial addon so my troubleshooting abilities are pretty limited.

I created the custom component folder myself.
I did check the logs under the custom component, but nothing shows up.
I think I will refresh via new SD-Card flash, copy all YAML back and maybe start anew.

Thanks for your reply. And thank you for the fork. I’ll get there in the long-run.


Hello @r3mcos3 i managed to install this addon whit the manual instalation on a regular home assistant 0.92.2. and i get this exact same error log that you posted. That log is generated 7 TIMES EVERY MINUTE!

In addition to that, in my case i can turn the xbox one, sometimes the media player stil show that the xbox is off, but sometimes show that is on, in this case i can see all of my apps in the “source” section of the mediaplayer, but whatever i chose or if i try to turn it off, i get the error “error calling service media_player/turn on. btn.vol_mute” on the boton left corner.

This action generates this log on the dev panel

I did a fresh HA install just to try this component alone without other components installed to get it working, but i cant get all the functionality to work (i got the xbox on feature working via other script on my old HA). Any help would be really apreciated

can you tell me how did u install it? whe i try install from repository nothing happes…the install button get red…

I just clicked on Install.
Seem not to work with your environment.
What does the System log say?

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Getting this error, when trying to click install, which doesn’t nothing.

9-05-20 18:26:06 INFO (SyncWorker_5) [hassio.docker.interface] Pull image hunterjm/hassio-armv7-xboxone tag 2.0.0.
19-05-20 18:26:08 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [hassio.docker.interface] Can't install hunterjm/hassio-armv7-xboxone:2.0.0 -> 404 Client Error: Not Found ("pull access denied for hunterjm/hassio-armv7-xboxone, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'").

@dinorexvip @nayd and anyone else having trouble installing the add-on: try the version from @jmhill1287’s repo (https://github.com/jmhill1287/hassio-addons). That one worked for me. @nayd, it looks like you’re trying to use the one from @hunterjm’s repo.

I don’t see a manifest.json or init.py file in that repository that everyone is mentioning.

I only see these:

  • Dockerfile
  • README.md
  • build.json
  • config.json
  • icon.png
  • logo.png
  • run.sh
  • xboxone.py

Do i need to rename a file?

Once I installed the add-on, I just had to create a blank file called __init__.py in /config/custom_components/xboxone. You should just have __init__.py and media_player.py in that folder.

Thanks for the reply!

I’ll try that.

Edit @apop thanks that worked!!!

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