Home Assistant Supervised (previously known as Hass.io) on Synology DSM as native package (not supported or working atm)

The installation of the * .spk file worked great. Hass.io 0.97.0 works without problems so far. However, if I click on “Hass.io” in the sidebar, the menu will not open. So an installation of plugins etc. is not possible.
Is this not currently planned or is something wrong with me?

Hello, I have the exact same problem. Hassio panel not loading.

Edit: I was able to get everything working out upgrading to the 20190805 package :grinning:, but right now I can’t seem to start the Nginx proxy manager add-on.

Huge thanks to @fredrike! :heart:

You have to restart your hassio package, after restarting the hassio tab wil work.


That is probably due to nginx is already running (Synology DSM is based on nginx). I think I saw someone that got everything up and running with nginx perhaps we should try to write a guide with things to consider when running under Synology.

Send me pms and I’ll try to wrap something together.

There is an issue with VPN server and the hassio package @fredrike. When your package is installed the network interface tab of the VPN server package is not accessible and therefor you cannot run the VPN server. Can you perhaps publish your code on github so we can contribute?

It have been published for quite some time…

There is even a pr. https://github.com/SynoCommunity/spksrc/pull/3732

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Didn’t know that was what this package you shared here via Dropbox. Isn’t that GitHub just the build chain instead of your package ? (Newbie here sorry for the stupid questions)

The branch I linked to is the branch that includes hassio. The pr shows the changes in the hassio branch. I think it is better to take development discussions on the pr directly.

P. S. As soon as this pr is merged there will be no need for my Dropbox links, then the package will be easy to install via https://synocommunity.com/#easy-install.

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Is it not possible to install the add-on “Appdemon 4.0.2”?
I can load the addon, but nothing happens after the start … and no log is displayed ?!

Have you changed the ports where AppDaemon runs? (port 5000 is the port Synology DSM usually runs on so that needs to be changed).

Do you mean this tab? It could probably be due to the fact that hassio creates a new interface and a hassio network in Docker. Don’t know how to fix it though.

This version fixes spaces in devices (and some other issues too): Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life

Be aware that this is a beta version so it might not work.

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Thank you, I did not think about that. Have another port taken and it works.

I think somewhere somehow synology is seeing the docker network as it’s own internal network. This can be seen in the resource monitor as well which isn’t the case if you make an new network yourself in docker (like I have for the pihole)

what do i need more on my synology to install the package.

i installed docker and then hassio package.
but i think it has no internet connection.
because when i install my tado it won’t connect.
and the weather widget is not working

You need to have DNS support on your NAS (your nas needs to be able to access eg. google.com). The rest should work from the package. If you still have issues I suggest that you restart the package a few times if that does not help try to uninstall and reinstall the package.

Ok do i need setup a dns server on my sunology?

No but your Synology needs one…

I’m not sure that is the issue, have you managed to install the Docker package should the DNS be ok. Do you have a local firewall running on the Synology or do you have something else that is strange?

Have you tested to restart the package a few times?

You may want to take a look at this - you can verify your current DNS settings for Hassio and change them if needed.

@fredrike: Is it safe now to upgrade from the original package hassio_x64-6.1_20190709-1.spk to a newer one to fix Node-RED?
Is hassio_x64-6.1_20190813-6dd0666c.spk the latest/best version available?

What issue do you have with node-red?

The later packages should be safe but make sure to make a copy of your hassio folder first. The most notable in the 20190813 is an failed attempt to fix usb devices. I’ve just learned about a new approach and need someone brave to test the changes before I release a new version.

@fredrike: Great work on this – made setup a breeze! Regarding updates – is there a different process for updating hass.io when running the Synology Native Package? I am trying to run the update process by clicking the Update button (see image below). I get a spinning circle for about a minute and then I the ability to control the server through the UI…I can’t restart it without restarting the entire Synology NAS.
