HASS.IO -> transfer from SD card to SSD or USB

No, not yet. It definitely makes sense now that I think it through. Thank you.

Link to those docs?

@kitus, have you tried the bootcode.bin trick? That often works on the more ‘reluctant’ ssd setups. If you can’t work it out, be sure to refer to the hardware list posted above and pick out a good one.

That said for HA, almost any crusty old ssd will probably be good enough. No need to leave an ssd collecting dust if it can run HA.

First result.


Following David’s advice above, I raised a question in the RPI forum and they pointed in that very same direction. I tried it yesterday but it does not seem to be the solution, or I’m made a mistake at some point. I really don’t get it.

Even with an SD card holding that file I keep experiencing the same:

  1. It refuses to boot
  2. A connected keyboard won’t react - CAPS LOCK won’t come on when I press on it

I hate to lose my time fumbling around stuff that should work easily. And it annoys me even more that a USB stick is working fine.

I seem to have narrowed the problem down. It looks like hassio is the culprit: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=260225&p=1593598#p1593598

could anybody advice on how to report this issue to the hassio team? directly here: Issues · home-assistant/supervisor · GitHub ?


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You need to create a github account so you can create a new issue. When you open a new issue you will see a form that will guide you in writing it up correctly.

@kitus If you have Raspbian running, just do a generic install of Hass.io. It achieves the same result - Hass.io up and running, the only functional difference is you have Raspbian as the underlying OS rather than HassOS, which is not a bad thing in my opinion.

Follow the official docs HERE, and my guide HERE.

thanks @kanga_who! I will read that through asap. The difference is basically that the underlying OS will need to be managed/patched by me? more flexibility but more things to pay attention to, am I right?

I will give this a thought. Many thanks again

More flexability, yes. You will need to periodically run OS updates, but that takes 2 mins once a month or so. Copy/paste some code and reboot.

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get autoremove -y

Run these once a month, and you will be (largely) fine.

So the second line should be before the first (must do the update first) The upgrade is redundant if you do a dist-upgrade too. Can put the lot in one command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get Disto-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y
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Good to know. I’ve never had any issues running them they way I posted, but thanks for the pointer.

Hi, I’m facing here a weird situation, I will appreciate if someone can shed some light for me about what am I doing wrong -

The HW in question:
RPi 3B and RPi 3B+
SSD 120GB Kingston A400
no name USB3-SATA3 with power and access leds
all kind of USB flash drives - couple of kingstons and other no names

No matter which OS (HASSOS or 2019-04-08-raspbian-stretch), no matter if on SSD or USB flash drives, no matter if on RPi 3B+ or on RPi 3B with sdcard holding bootcode.bin + timeout files (no OTP change) - the RPi doesn’t load (only power red led is on, screen is black) and none of the leds of the flash drives or USB3-SATA3 adapter are on.

If I load an RPi with raspberry OS on sd card and then plug the flash drive and or the SSD adapter, their leds are shown clearly as the OS access their content.

Any idea?

Check my messages above and do the same tests I did, which are explained in the RPI forum

Thanks @kitus. I followed your posts + the link to the raspberry forum. Couldn’t find the culprit. Forgot to mention that I use original Raspberry 5V, 2.5A charger.
It seems like the SDD/Flash drives are not being accessed on the boot process. When booting using SD card with raspbian OS, they appear as external disks, allowing read/write. If at least the flash was working, I could suspect the USB3-SATA3 adapter, but as the flash doesn’t work, I have no reason to believe the SSD will work with different adapter. It’s not even about hassos/hassio as I’ve tested also with raspbian.
Any thoughts?

After numerous retries it started to work. No clue why all of a sudden…

Today I tried to boot from an SSD but nothing worked.

This is the hardware I have

  1. Raspberry pi X850 mSATA SSD disk expansion board supports 1TB USB 3.0 (link)
  2. KingSpec mSATA SSD 64GB (link)
  3. Raspberry Pi 3 B+

I even added the following lines to my SD and SSD files:

I changed the “root” option in cmdline.txt


config.txt, at the end:


Last part will give you option to boot from usb. Burn image in ssd and do nothing else. It will boot from ssd.

Whats the best way to burn image to ssd? Etcher keeps destroying my ssd…

Strange. Also use Etcher (BalenaEtcher). Burn the image to SSD. What you can do is before you start edit your cmdconfig.conf and remove the last part (resize). When you boot and done you can try this:

sudo fdisk /dev/sda

Command (m for help): p
Command (m for help): d
Partition number (1,2, default 2): 2
Command (m for help): n
Select (default p): p
Partition number (2-4, default 2): 2
First sector (532481-500118191, default 589815): 540672 (enter the start value exactly as it was)
Last sector, +/-sectors or +/-size{K,M,G,T,P} (540672-500118191, default 500118191): (press enter to accept default which is the full disk)

Do you want to remove the signature? [Y]es/[N]o: n (don't remove signature)

Command (m for help): w

reboot now

after reboot

sudo resize2fs /dev/sda2

OK cool, I am currently checking my SSD for bad clusters (going to take a long time). Maybe my drive is no good.

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