HASS.IO -> transfer from SD card to SSD or USB

Hi, thanks.

But we still need to use the sd card after ?

No, you don’t need it when you use HassOS 5.x on an SSD!

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Thanks for this update guys! I’ve been looking into it for a while now, and this seems the solution.

I’ve just bought my second Pi4 for a parallel build of a new environment. A 4GB this time, and want to use my USB SSD for storage. Booting from it isn’t a requirement to me, but if I can it is a nice to have feature.
I’ve just tried it, and it works with the 5.1 64 bit without any problems. The 5.1 32bit won’t boot however. My question is this. The 32bit is still the recomended version when I check the install page of HassOS. Can anyone point out what the disadvantage of installing the 64bit version is? I read in an old post that GPIO doesn’t work for example. That will be a dealbreaker for me because of some legacy 433MHz transmitter. But it’s also not quite clear to me if this is still the case.
So, long story short:
Are there any (big) disadvantages of using 64bit instead of 32bit?

I am running for more then 4 months now on the 64 bits version. No disadvantages dicovered untill now. Only disadvantage could be the lack of support of local GPIO that is currently no supported yet. Also some addons are not build (mostly user created addons) for arch64, all official addons support arch64. Extra Bonus is that the VSCODE plugin is also working (not available for 32 bit)

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Does this mean that GPIO on RPi will not be working (inputs, outputs) on this 64 bits version ?

I just dived into this, regarding the GPIO issue on 64 bit. It seems that this issue has been resolved in RPi.GPIO==0.7.0 (https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/15476) and homeassistant is using this version. I didn’t find any recent posts from someone who is using GPIO and has issues on the 64-bit version.

Thanks. So you are not using any GPIO in your RPi to confirm ? :slight_smile:

No not using any GPIO. For all IO related stuff i use a esp8266 with ESPHOME, so no usecase for GPIO from the raspberry PI

Well it sounds like you and I may end up being the guinea pigs on this one. My pi4 does have GPIO implemented for my siren outputs. I’ve always used 32bit, but with 64bit available it seems a bit stale. I’m still running an older config with the sd card for bootup. So I have nothing to lose trying it, and I have spare time this weekend to do just that.

Just got my SSD and cable… Here goes nothing! Hopefully everything I have installed works on the 64bit.:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Well, got it started up was very snappy, but a lot of my tasmota and z-wave devices stopped responding. :thinking:

It took me a little tinkering. But I’ve got it working now. I’ve bought some cheap USB3.0 hdd case on some Chinese website and the performance was poor and the system unstable. That’s when fully read this topic, googled a bit and found out about quirks…
My advice to everyone is to read this topic thoroughly, or to check out this site: https://jamesachambers.com/raspberry-pi-4-usb-boot-config-guide-for-ssd-flash-drives/ as also referenced to earlier in this topic. And to stop your logfile from filling up, also apply dtparam=sd_poll_once=on to config.txt (NOT cmdline.txt as I did at first :blush:) as also mentioned here in post 365.
I’m repeating all this stuff, because I found it a bit hard to find in this big topic and maybe it’ll help other people in the right direction.

Another thing that maybe interesting for some: GPIO works flawlessly on the 64-bit version of HASS.IO!

Now I can start building my new setup parallel to my existing one on my new Pi4 with SSD. My wife won’t let me take down the current one for a day or two :slight_smile: And I think that’s the biggest compliment I can give to the developers!


Ok to have a positive feedback regarding the use of GPIO on 64bit HassOS.
Then there are in my opinion no more barriers to use the 64bit instead of 32bit HassOS!

I totally agree! I’m about halfway in the setup of my hardware and did a few automations. I haven’t found any issues with the 64bit HassOS.

Does anyone have an idea of when a stable HASSOS 5-version will be released? I don’t know the release routines, and how long the OS usually is in beta.

Go to: https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/releases and you’ll see all releases of HASS OS

Thanks! I know where to find them. I’m just curious when v. 5.0 will be released as a stable version. I’m planning a migration to a RPi 4 with 8Gb RAM, and was planning to wait for a stable release.

Have no idea. You can use v 5.1. I’m using v 5.0 and I’m good, no problems so far.

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That is very good news! Thank you.

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I couldn’t wait, so installed 5.1 on my RPi 4 with 8Gb RAM. Works like a charm. I migrated from RPi 3 in a couple of hours!