Hass.io web UI user password reset?


How I can reset a web UI user’s password?

I have access to the debug SSH instance (on port 22222) as well as the SSH add-on.


  1. Stop HA (Services → homeassistant.stop or ssh in and run hassio homeassistant stop)
  2. Rename or delete the .storage folder (can be done via CIFS/SMB)
  3. Clean your browser cache and close it, also delete some cookies you have from HA. (not necessary)
  4. Start HA (ssh in and hassio homeassistant start), you’ll get the Login to create an user account
  5. Login with that user

You don’t have to delete the entire .storage/ folder, just three files.

There’s also the command line password reset option (which may require debug access on Hass.io):

hass --script auth change_password username new_password

is it still available with hassos 2.11 ??

This also works for virtualenv installation:

  1. become a homeassistant owner user:
$ sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
  1. activate virtualenv:
$ source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
  1. run change password script:
hass --script auth change_password username new_password

Checked on latest homeassistant version: 0.103.5

It’s amazing how fast this project is growing and changing.

In 2020-04-20 I ssh to the server and used the following command line to solve the issue.

ha authentication reset --username "JohnDoe" --password "123SuperSecret!"