Hass.io Xiaomi Sensor show nothing


I have a Raspberry Pi 3 with a Hass.io Image and 2 Xiaomi Sensors i can see it but it shows me just the battery an this is 200% :sweat_smile:

Can me help please anyone :weary:

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It looks like either the gattool is not running or is not getting back valid data. I have no idea how you would go about getting it running on hass.io tho’ :confused:

I find this fix https://github.com/home-assistant/hassio-build/commit/f830dc8219494cfb1cac38bdc4d76de985f414c2 on this topic Mi Flora plant sensor but i don’t know how to use it :weary:

You can’t use it, it’s already in the docker file, so it should be working. You need to get some info on how hass.io works with BLE. I don’t think you can run bluetoothctl which would tell you if the BLE was working. Maybe move the sensors nearer to the PI, replace the batteries or at least remove and replace the batteries - to reset the sensors (if the light on top comes on when the battery goes back in the sensor should be working)?

Hm the sensors are 10cm next to the raspberry .
And the bluetooth plugin is installed, too.

Can you read the sensors from the app?

Yes i can…

You probably need to unpair them from your phone as I think that Hass.io can’t read them if they are paired with your phone?

Hmm ita not paired when i start the hass.io or you mean general? So my bluetooth on the phone is off when i start the hass.io server or you mean i delete it in the app und my iphone?

I would try removing them from your phone, however I suspect that’s not what’s causing them not to work.

:weary:I can not be the only one with this problem. I try pimatic , openhab and now hone hass.io but nothing is working i will just can see the sensor withou bluetooth turn on of my iphone

Can you show what you have for the plant sensor in the code, please use the </> button leaving a blank line either side of the code after selecting it when pasting it in here.

I have this in the configuration.yaml

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: miflora
    mac: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
    name: Flower 1
    force_update: false
    median: 3
      - moisture
      - light
      - temperature
      - conductivity
      - battery

Can you show both please and use the code block as I stated above please!

  indent preformatted text by 4 spaces # Example configuration.yaml entry

sensor 1:

  • platform: miflora
    mac: ‚C4:7C:8D:61:38:E5‘
    name: Flower 1
    force_update: false
    median: 3
    • moisture
    • light
    • temperature
    • conductivity
    • battery

sensor 2:

  • platform: miflora
    mac: ‚C4:7C:8D:61:39:16‘
    name: Flower 2
    force_update: false
    median: 3
    • moisture
    • light
    • temperature
    • conductivity
    • battery Preformatted text

Seems to be a duplicate of:


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Your mac: appears to have a comma in it at the start? Shouldn’t be enclosed with anything xx:xx…xx


I guess that’s only a copy-and-paste issue.

The MAC needs to be quoted.

Errrm mine isn’t and my four work perfectly :smiley: But it could be different for Hass.io :frowning:

- platform: miflora
  mac: C4:7C:8D:61:7C:2B
  name: MiFlora Trailing Plant Bathroom
  force_update: true
  timeout: 60
  cache: 60*60
  median: 1
    - moisture
    - light
    - temperature
    - conductivity
    - battery

Fu** that was so simple but it works perfectly it was the comma. But how can i take sensor 2 in a extra row? Is this possible?