Hass.io Xiaomi Sensor show nothing

I would added them to a group and then add that group to another and they will come up in a card not as badges.

Can you please explain me this a little bit with a code :sweat_smile: I a newbie on this

Have a look hereā€¦

Puh ok that looks heavy :sweat_smile:. I look to unterstand it and try itā€¦thanks

If you get stuck post your code here and we can help debug it :slight_smile:

Oh thats nice from you :blush: You mean the hole code so the configuration.yaml or just the sensor code?

I mean the new group code youā€™ve just written :smiley:

  time_zone: Europe/Berlin
    name: Sensor 1
      - sensor.flower_1_battery
      - sensor.flower_1_conductivity
      - sensor.flower_1_light_intensity
      - sensor.flower_1_moisture
      - sensor.flower_1_temperature
    name: Sensor 2
      - sensor.flower_2_battery
      - sensor.flower_2_conductivity
      - sensor.flower_2_light_intensity
      - sensor.flower_2_moisture
      - sensor.flower_2_temperature

is this ok?

Looks goodish :slight_smile:

I would go 1 further thoā€™ it depends how you want them to lookā€¦

  view: yes # comment this out if you don't want it in a tabbed view
  name: Plant Life but not as we know it
    name: Sensor 1
      - sensor.flower_1_battery
      - sensor.flower_1_conductivity
      - sensor.flower_1_light_intensity
      - sensor.flower_1_moisture
      - sensor.flower_1_temperature
    name: Sensor 2
      - sensor.flower_2_battery
      - sensor.flower_2_conductivity
      - sensor.flower_2_light_intensity
      - sensor.flower_2_moisture
      - sensor.flower_2_temperature

hm it dont work :frowning: hass.io not starting but over samba connection can see that the configuration.ymal is empty. restore it

What is with this text i delete it or its no matter?

# Customization file
customize: !include customize.yaml

OK, that line loads the cusomization commands, where you can hide entities, add friendly names, add icons and other cosmetic stuff, so no currently you donā€™t need it. It is also part of how you manage how your config files are managed as you will find that over time you canā€™t really keep it all in the configuration.yaml file as it will be thousands of lines long.
See here and here

BTW itā€™s no good saying ā€˜it dont workā€™ and not pasting your config (using the code blocks - enclose the code with three back tics (thatā€™s the key left of 1/!)) - since we have no way of know what you have pasted in and how you did it and where you did it. Yaml is very picky over the spacing and there must be no tabs in any of the config files.

I suggest you read the start guide it will give you a very good basis in how HA works and where things go.

Having said that please post your config (using the code blocks) here and I will try to figure out whatā€™s up :smiley:

Sry i think the problem is my english is not the best an i understand not all

configuration.yaml (2.8 KB)

its so ok?

that you do not wonder I have the command # comment this out if you donā€™ā€¦ for me that i know for what is the command :sweat_smile:

Get rid of this line at the end of the fileā€¦

group: !include groups.yaml

You canā€™t include a groups.yaml if you are defining the groups in the config.yaml

configuration.yaml (2.7 KB)
like this?

That looks better :slight_smile:

ok then i test it now :wink:

Good luck :smiley:

iĀ“m not understand where is the mistake :sob: