Hass NFC - Control Home Assistant with NFC tags

ok, interesting, thnx for info

maybe this

Found solution, pretty cool and cheap. I was looking for a numeric pad/tag to disarm my alarm, this will do. I ordered it :slight_smile:

ok, i think those readers/boards always need a power source, probably not battery powered

yes they need 12V DC

I found this too very cool, and should have the space for the ESP-RFID board inside (see third picture)


check this thread,
i can power the relay somewhere, and place an wireless reader in the house, battery sourced, should that work you think ?

the link does not opoen. But check this, it has all you want

ok, thats even more interesting, i aldreay have zigbee, not zwave, maybe that also excists in zigbee

So runs HAss NFC in background, or do you need to start it manually after a reboot?

reboot of the phone? I think it starts automatically

Ok good to know, well ordered some tags, let’s find out… To read the tag the first time, this needs to be done in the app right? Then fill-in the name of the script

It doesn’t run at all when not used. Android will trigger the app once it detects a NFC tag you’ve written to. You have to do that via the app indeed.

What a great app, my original plan was to integrate NFC in to Hassio using Tasker, but this is a way better solution. My NFC tags arrived today and I just bought the app, now I have a cheap garage door opener.

There was a question earlier in this thred about using a Samsung smartwatch to trigger the NFC tags. I have no idea, but maybe that can be achived using Tasker on the Android phone and TaskS2 app on Tizen? I use TaskS2 on my Galaxy Watch to trigger Tasker tasks that trigger events in Hassio.

cool, i was the guys asking for tizen, interesting! :slight_smile:
my tags arrive tomorrow
but i think the problem remains on tizen, that the NFC chip on the samsung can only be used for samsung PAY only, nothing else, but its worth a shot

Aaa…I see, I didn’t know that. But if you are interested in trigger Hassio using your smartwatch I recommend checking out Tasker and TaskS2, but it would be alot easier using NFC tho…

@ Gerben321
What exactly is stored on the NFC tag? Is there any security issues leaving one NFC tag outside to trigger my garage doors, is it possible to read whats on the tag and somehow use that information?

On the tag the service you store is written. So for example light.kitchen with a value of “ON”. So if you use another app to read the tag you will find out what the tag should do. However, the Hass NFC app is needed to actually call the action to your HASS.

yes! very cool app. I puit a tag in front of every external door: open the phone, put it close to the tag, and zac the doors magically open.

I am just wondering if it is worth it to root the phone, so no need to unlock the phone first

Thanks for the kind words guys! Happy you’re enjoying my app! :slight_smile:

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Hope for an IOS version! ( or help convincing wife switching from Ios to Android , but I think doing the app it’s easier :wink:)

iOS doesn’t support this right now I believe (or has that been fixed?). I also don’t own iDevices and it’s proxy to create apps there unfortunately.