HassIO doesnt start

I suddenly noticed that Home Assistant have crashed and now doesn’t start.

From what I can tell from portainer:

  • HassIO supervisor runs fine.
  • homeassistant crashes after a few seconds and the only thing in the logs are:
    /usr/bin/python3: No module named homeassistant

I think this happened after the homeassistant docker got updated to “0.73.0b0” but I’m pretty sure I didn’t do it, which means watchtower, a docker program wich monitors my docker files and updates them, probably did.

Edit: I’m running HassIO on a Intel NUC, https://hub.docker.com/r/homeassistant/intel-nuc-homeassistant/

Anyone have an idea of how I could fix this or reverse to an older version?

I can confirm that there is problem with 0.73.0b0. Do not update to this version!
Started from scratch, updated to 0.73.0b0 and again container does not start anymore.

I tried to force it to go back to 0.72.1 by changing the container image in portainer and it worked for a few seconds before it pulled 0.730b0 again. Why it always did that I don’t know.

I tried to delete the image and pull 0.72.1 but for reasons i don’t know it removed that image and now I don’t have any docker image with hom assistant, only the supervisor.

I guess I have to remove everything and start over… :frowning:

Turn off watch tower?

Hehe, yeah i was smart enough to do that, but it still persisted. Could be that I still had “:latest” tag somehow.

After restarting the HassIO supervisor it pulled and started HA 0.72.1. So now it’s working for me again!

I guess I have to be careful with watchtower in the future. I’m going to se if I can exclude HA from watchtower watchlist somehow.

Yep, same happened to me with Hass.io on Pi3.

Mentioned in the issue tracker here.

Probably need to start over again, bummer!

Also am on Pi3 with hass.io. I tried to downgrade with

hassio ha update -o "version=0.72.1"

But it did not work. I get:

    panic: interface conversion: interface is nil, not string

Any other ideas?

I have the same:

While the supervisor acts asif it start’s hassio:

So, basically i need to find a way to get it running again :frowning:

I’m having the same issue here…

Anyone solved this? Can’t access the web interface and I’m getting the error mentioned when trying to downgrade to 72.1.

Same here. 0.73.xx breaks HA. Snapshots to previous versions (0.72.xx) also will not work.

Just to report that I finally got to downgrade to 0.72.1, but I had to unplug the pi in order to reboot.

I also rebooted and tried again:

hassio ha update -o "version=0.72.1"

but I receive the same error as mentioned above. Did you do anything different/additionally?

No, I used that exact line and after a few tries and reboots it downgraded. But I still don’t know why I was getting the error.

Hello everyone,
How to solve this issue? i’m using ubuntu with docker version of hassio

I wish I knew. I am still hoping, that the next version, will just work again.

I think the 113 version of supervisor will fix this and enable updating to the latest beta (73.0.b6)
You should still be able to ssh in and execute hassio su update to get to v113… Then it should update HA… I gave up a day or so before it was released and did a fresh install but I believe it should work

Thank you David for the hint. I was actually only checking rc.home-assistant.io whether there is an update.

Now I logged in via SSH. It seems I am already on supervisor version 114. So I ran hassio ha update, however it did not work. Any idea how I can get more information to debug this better or maybe even solve it all?

The logs for my update attempt look like this:

18-07-06 04:56:51 INFO (SyncWorker_17) [hassio.docker.interface] Tag image homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant with version 0.73.0b6 as latest
18-07-06 04:56:51 INFO (SyncWorker_17) [hassio.docker.interface] Clean homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant docker application
18-07-06 04:56:51 INFO (SyncWorker_17) [hassio.docker.interface] Cleanup docker images: ['homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.73.0b0']
18-07-06 04:56:59 CRITICAL (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Home Assistant update fails -> rollback!
18-07-06 04:56:59 INFO (SyncWorker_7) [hassio.docker.interface] Update docker 0.73.0b6 with homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.73.0b0
18-07-06 04:56:59 INFO (SyncWorker_7) [hassio.docker.interface] Pull image homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant tag 0.73.0b0.
18-07-06 04:59:30 INFO (SyncWorker_7) [hassio.docker.interface] Tag image homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant with version 0.73.0b0 as latest
18-07-06 04:59:30 INFO (SyncWorker_7) [hassio.docker.interface] Cleanup docker images: ['homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.73.0b6']
18-07-06 05:00:33 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.security] /homeassistant/info access from core_ssh
18-07-06 05:00:47 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.security] /homeassistant/logs access from core_ssh
18-07-06 05:01:01 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.security] /homeassistant/restart access from core_ssh
18-07-06 05:01:02 INFO (SyncWorker_6) [hassio.docker.homeassistant] Start homeassistant homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant with version 0.73.0b0
18-07-06 05:01:13 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Home Assistant is crashed!
18-07-06 05:01:13 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Don't wait anymore of Home-Assistant startup!
18-07-06 05:01:32 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.security] /supervisor/info access from core_ssh

On the discord ha chat they seemed to indicate that with 111 it would self heal if necessary.

You can see it’s trying to pull beta 6, failing and rolling back to b0 too.

I wonder if you can try and force b1??