Hassio list bluetooth le devices?

key with --begin-- and --end-- is private. File with .pub extension is public.

For everyone using Hass.io with Mi Flora: This should fix Mi Flora devices as soon as it gets merged.


the full begin line is this:

so I am guessing it’s the public key ?!?

my puttygen is not issuing a .pub file only 1 with ppk (the private) and that begin / end file that has not definitive extension when saved

is there something I can do NOW like download a code to custom component folder that would make it work until then ?

lel, what a nice community home-assistant has, complaining that they can’t have a fix immediately instead of appreciating someone using their free time to work on this.
I’m considering to drag out the merge a few weeks just because of you :stuck_out_tongue:

take your time, none of my plants are delicate :slight_smile:

Thanks for your contribution

A) I liked your comment in appreciation
B) I don’t see what indication of complaint triggered your response
C) I should think testing the proposed solution would benefit the community

D) Really ?!?!

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I got triggered because of your impatience. And sure you can test my patch, just set up a build environment, use my code base (can be found here compile your own image for whatever platform you’re using and tell me if it worked. But I suppose that’s not going to happen.

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Certainly NOT with that attitude…

And you my dear Sir are the reason why I pushed an update to my commit :wink:

The Fix for Mi Flora has been merged with to the kind help of @pvizeli and should be included in tomorrows 0.56

Does that mean that general ble support is working also then ?

aaaaaaaaaand it doesn’t work. Working on a fix for the fix now lel
@Andreetje Bluetooth LE working fine for me. When logging in to hass.io via the debugging access on my raspberry pi 3 I can scan for Mi Floras using ‘hcitool lescan’
Everything else I can’t test

the corrected fix has just been merged. Sadly we didn’t make it in time for 0.56 but Mi Flora should be working again with future releases.

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Thank you for your feedback.

I’ll wait for next two weeks before moving to hass.io!

My miflora sensors are now working in 0.56.1 !

Do you have to install anything to get it to work? like Bluetooth addon ?

I have the Bluetooth addon enabled, yes. I don’t know if this is required.

The device tracker for ble is still not working.
Not all requirements could be installed…

how about creating an issue on the hass.io github page providing logs?
Devs are not magicians the need information on the issues that occur…