HASSIO mount external drive


Nowadays we have plenty of addons for hassio which would make of hassio a pretty nice “home NAS.” (Sunchthing, nextcloud, samba etc.) But unfortunately it is not a really valid solution due to limitation of SD card space/price ratio. On the other hand the external hardrive might be a really good option. But unfortunatly that would require mounting solution on host level (to share across multiple addons). It is probably doable through developer ssh access (ssh port 2222) but that would defeat the whole point of running HASSIO.

Can we implement automaticall mount of external media to share folder? Or even better present an option for the user via web interface to chose the action?

Why not just move the entire hass.io to an external HD and boot straight from it? If you’re on a Pi3 that will work just fine (I’m using a 120GB 2.5" disk with a USB adapter right now).

Yes, you can, but I would rather prefer to keep system essentials and data separated. As a bonus you can adjust spindown for HDD since most probably you will not have constant syncing and to reduce noise from HDD. Which is not a possible solution in case of system hosted on HDD as it constantly works with DBMS.

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Forgot say that it is a 120GB SSD, no noise and no spin-down necessary.

It would be handy just to mount a USB stick and be able to put the DB on there instead of the SD-Card


Or use for external backups. I guess, since the box is running 24x7 we can come up with multiple options, but for now the main blocking factor is inability to access the external media using standard interfaces. If the host is more or less standard linux distro (which I am not sure about) it is pretty trivial task as well, just another udev rule . But that is question to HASSIO developers of cause.

Thanks. Not exactly what I expected it basically syncs files only one way of cause you cant share content of the external drive to other addons for instance through nextcloud or syncthing.

I’d like to reinforce this feature request, it seems like a very useful solution when you think about storing years of monitoring data in a database such as influxdb. I’d like to mount a network drive to hassio and be able to create my influxDB into it.


also would like to mount a network drive to hassio. And or an USB disk.


Voted! It’d be great to mount a volume to put the DB on.


Agreed! It would remove one of the principal shortcomings of a Raspberry Pi based system.

This would be useful with the new stream component in core as well to record video streams to an external drive.

I concur. I would love to be able to have the pictures taken from my cameras stored on my local NAS. An ability to mount an external device from HASS.IO would be awesome.

(yes, I know there are all kinds of workarounds for that but it would still be awesome)

Also, being old-school where it was a given that the operating system and dynamic data (i.e. databases, content, logs) shall not share the same physical device. It would just be following protocol to have more than a single storage device available.

Looks like this feature has been implemented, even though making it requires quite a bit of feedling.

For references (as I had to digg to find out after I found this thread), github feature request is at https://github.com/home-assistant/hassos/issues/89 , steps to do it are described in https://github.com/home-assistant/hassos/issues/164#issuecomment-472788621 (look at the comments after that one for specific issues) and it has been made possible by the work done on https://github.com/home-assistant/hassos/pull/318 .

Will give some feedback once I manage to do it myself.

If anyone else want to try it out, feedback is welcome.

@esciara Have you tried it yet?

Nope, but the feature seems to have been fully implemented : see https://github.com/home-assistant/hassos/issues/164 .

I need more detail about this method.
I was not successfull to mount usb

this is my USB
sudo blkid
/dev/sda1: LABEL_FATBOOT=“GOFLEX” LABEL=“GOFLEX” UUID=“3A22-CCE8” TYPE=“vfat” PARTUUID=“2ea74125-01”

this is my etc/fstab

PARTUUID=2ea74125-01 /usr/share/hassio/share/usbtest vfat async,big_writes,noatime,nodiratime,nofail,uid=pi,gid=pi,umask=000 0 0

and this is error

mount: /usr/share/hassio/share/usbtest: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

I aslo tried UUID=3A22-CCE8