Hassio on RPI3: it's possible to act also as media server?

Hi all and thanks in advance for any help.
I have HASSIO installed from years in my home, first in a RPI and now on a RPI3 that works great and i’m love with it.
I also use my win10 pc as a media center with Plex for streaming on my Samsung smart tv or chromecast and i was thinking if it’s possible to make an installation on the RPI3 with Kodi/Plex/other and an external HD that works fine, so i can stream without having the pc powered?
For what i’ve read the RPI3 it’s not a good HW for this configuration, it’s true? In this case what will be the best alternative considering a very low budget? I don’t wont to spend much for something that i already have and it’s functioning. In two words the new feature it’s only to have the pc powered off during while i’m watching the TV :slight_smile:
So, the RPI4 or similar will be a good option or it’s better, for example, an entry level NAS?


I do it on an rpi3 HAOS and external hdd, very rarely. The rpi3 is down at my parents. It doesn’t really run anything else. I basically setup HA for remote access to the rpi3(which is handy for doing updates and things).

To be clear it only streams when we visit my parents, and even then usually only 1 stream via chromecast. I set it that up to watch the videos on the HDD when we visit and for my parents to play music. They never really took to casting music to the tv via chromecast.

I use HA Add-ons by alexbelgium - emby instead of plex. Just my preference. I had originally meant to set it up at home here, but I got an rpi4 instead. My computer that my emby server at home is on, disconnects when it goes to sleep and wake on lan never worked on that motherboard. So I had meant to set up emby on the rpi4, but never got around to it really. We just cast netflix or whatever, and on the odd occasion we cast emby, it is easy enough to wake the computer up manually.

On the rpi3,I have extended

It works the rpi3 pretty hard when streaming. I doubt it would cope with two streams. So doable… but your expectations need to be low.

It is sitting around @ 70% mem use and 3% processor use atm. I was setting up remote home-assistant when I saw your post.
It didn’t like that very much went up to about 75% processor use.

Thanks HasQT, i’ll make some test.