HassKit - An Elegant Home Assistant Control App

Thank you chris669.

If you enjoy the app, please take a few moment write us a review on the app store.

already did it yesterday, thanks!

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A nice to have feature would be to have the possibility to move the devices freely without grid magnetism to place them exactly where I want on the background pict. Or letting an empty space.
And another one to rename the automations giving them an alias because basic name is too long to display in a simple button.
If it’s possible of course!

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does anyone have HassKit working with nabucasa remote, please explain how you got it to work. I’ve tried almost everything…

Hey. I Have just copied the Link from the Home Assistant Cloud Section (Remote Control) and pasted it into Hasskit. Dont be confused from the „https://„ prefix. Include it!

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Hias2801 thank you, so far that worked

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Trying to get the notification, sending snapshots from my security camera working but to no avail.
In node red the service SEND does not appear to be there?
Any suggestions???

Hi, I’ve tried this guide and it work, hope that help:


New to HA, using it for home alarm system. In HA, I am using BWAlarm, https://github.com/akasma74/Hass-Custom-Alarm, which provides a feature-filled alarm panel. In HA, this shows up as a link in the left-side panel, which opens the alarm screen. However, I cannot find how to include this in HASSKit. There is an entity, “house”, which adds a button to an alarm panel, but it is not the BWAlarm panel. It has a numeric pad and a Home and Away arming button. The arming buttons do not work. However, if I arm the alarm in HA, then the numeric pad in HASSKit works to disarm.

I believe I can map the arming buttons to work. However, other features in BWAlarm, such as bypassing open sensors, would not be included.

I also believe I could add it as a web page, but not sure that is the “correct” way of adding it.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


Loving this app! Thank you for taking the time with it.

The one thing I can’t figure is the backup and restore.

I am logged in to google yet when tapping backup nothing happens.
When tapping restore I get asked to 'Enter backup data".

What am I missing here?


I am brand new to Home Assistant, and came across your App in the Apple App Store, and it’s fantastic. Very easy and intuitive to use, with a very elegant interface.

Two quick questions:

  1. This is probably easy, but I can’t figure out how to change to website for the embedded websites? And do you have a list of sites you recommend that fit nicely in your size rectangle on the app?

  2. I have the Logitech Harmony Hub. I want it to list out all the different options that I have set up on my Harmony Remote Control (i.e. Turn on TV, Turn on Apple TV, etc…). For the record, I also don’t have this configured on Home Assistant, which I haven’t figured out yet either. Any support is appreciated.

Great work, and keep it up!

I can’t remember much about HassKit as I’m currently working on Home-Dashboard, it a must better version.

Please give it a try:

I’ve tried downloading this app on the French iOS App Store but it says it’s not available? Any reason for this? I’m very interested in it’s functions! Hope it will work on my old iPad 2nd gen though :sweat_smile:

Have a look at the post immediately above yours, it seems that the author has moved on to developing another project. His playstore link is dead here too (NZ).

Hi, i’ve downloaded the hasskit app, I was very positive about this one so i was exited to see the new app you made. The new app only was very slow to load the tiles, the hasskit app was faster than the original homeassistant app, the new app you made is way and way slower. I deleted the new app and re-downloaded the hasskit app. I don’t know what causes this, but i still am in love with the hasskit app.

A very nice app. Comfortable dashboard fits my needs. Thank you for this excellent program. However, i could not manage to remote login.
Https://192.x.x.x:8123 is working perfect.
Https://cyz.duckdns.org:443 is not working!
And i can not activate push (the name of the mobile app is empty). Any idea for fix of this problem? Thanks dieter