HassKit - An Elegant Home Assistant Control App

I’m working on a fix, that a strange fan with 10 speed so my code broken on that part.

Hi, I love the app and already wrote a loving review about it in the playstore. There are just a few things I would like to suggest. At first I would like to see the colorpicker like a circle, just like the way it is in homeassistant (see screenshot).

The left is what it is right now and on the right is the circle I would suggest.
Also I would like to see the hex values copy and paste-able so you can copy colors from the interweb. The last suggestion I would like to make is an easy way to open the device info page, right now you have to hold the ‘on/off’ button in order to get into this screen. But if I want to change the color of a light, I don’t want to hold a button, I just want to click a button to get into the colorpicking UI.
I love your app and good luck with further updates. I am looking forward to them!

Super impressed with the WAF ness of this.

Well done!

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HassKit written in Flutter and unfortunately, there’s no available color picker that look like Home Assistant version. I’ll keep searching if there is any.

Thank for the review Darren, I hope coming update will serve you well too.

And how about a colorpicker like this? This one seems a bit easier to work with than the one in HASSkit.

By the way, what do you think of the idea that there is a little information tile on top of the light tiles. Right now if you want to open the information about a light to see its colorpicking UI, you have to hold down the tile. But this way you have to hold down the tile and you can’t quick click to get into the UI. If there is a small clickable info tile on top of the normal tile, you would be able to switch between lights easier and faster. As an example, I quickly made something in photoshop (see photos), but I’m sure you can do it a thousand times better!

Right now, as far as I know, flutter only support 1 click zone in a button, so this is not possible.

And that new cicle color is not better than what we have I think.

Well, too bad. Thanks for the quick replies and the nice app tho!

Love the app! using the location add-on and works like a charm!
I want to use it also for presence detection. But the app only updates my location if i have the app running active. Is it possible to let it communicate my location to hass while running in the background?

Hi, I’ve made new version with background update, it still in testing phrase and I hope it will be good enough for release soon.

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Hi there. I connected to the server. hasskit home screen is frozen. i see this.
what should i set. Thank you

Can you give me more info like ios/android, http/https…

Chat with me on discord for live support if you can

Thank you very much for developing this great app. I really like it and love the simplicity and the nice design which fits perfectly into iOS.
I have a suggestion for a different way to control roller shutters:
With a single click up and down buttons appear. When you push either up or down a pause icon appears to stop the movement. another click on the icon removes the arrows. A long press on the icon opens the standard UI for setting the %. What do you think?

I like that idea but at the moment, flutter limit the click area to the whole button so it’s not possible too add the down and pause in front of it.

Give me more time to do some research

Thank for using the app Hias2801. Please rate us on Android Play Store, it would help a lot.

Thanks a lot. Maybe there is a way in the future to develop this feature.

I have done a review in the Apple App Store but i don’t have an Android device so i can’t do at the Play Store i think.

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how do I setup remote access using nabucasa.com? I can’t just https://remote.nabucasa.com it doesn’t work. Thanks

So easy to use, configured whole house in just half an hour!

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even the xiaomi vacuum is there, what a nice app, thanks again!

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Most people don’t have issue with nabucasa, I’m not sure what wrong, have you a been able to fix it yet? If not, please contact me on Discord