I have recently bought a new Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and now I am very exited to get started with HASS.IO. Before I tested the Pi with Raspbian and everything was working just fine. Now I am trying to boot the Pi with HASSOS and I don’t get it to work. I’ve tried with the latest (2.10) 32 and 64 bit, but none of those can boot up.
I properly followed the installation from the hass.io website.
I have a Toshiba class 10 micro SD 16GB and a non-pi-official 2.5A / 5V adapter.
This is the display I always get (reboots every time):
I basically followed the Linux installation instructions to install Hassio on Raspian Lite when I set up my RPi 3B+ last weekend.
My experiences with HassOs 64 bit in a VM tell me it is not as stable as I would like.
Did you use a different SD card for HassOs or did you reuse the Raspian card? The Raspberry Pi folks recommend you use the SD Card Formatter tool on Windows before imaging an SD card on Windows or MacOS for the Pi.
Another source says to use a different formatter if the card is larger than 32 GB. The SD Card formatter worked for me when installing NOOBS Lite & Raspbian Lite.