HassOS 3 released! Raspberry Pi 4 support

Hi, Yes, tried via

  1. update button
  2. command line

and error as mentioned earlier

3rd option I planned to downolad file from link and update via usb, but not able to finish download on PC browser

ok, after few attempts finally I was able to download file and update via usb

by, update button, | was no able to upgrade

I’ve tried to download the file from GitHub from multiple locations multiple times, and all succeeded. I’m sorry, I cannot think of anything that might have caused your issue. However, I’m happy you managed to punch through.

Thanks for this (personally and for many others looking for a halfway house before a NUC)
I have a hub on order (for z wave stick) and when it arrives I’ll be doing this ! :+1:

Given the rpi3 boot from usb, would I be right in assuming that an rpi4 update will be coming shortly ? (6 to 12 months ?)

Thanks again for all the great work
I will be toasting ALL the devs and other contributors tonight :beer:

Edit: This is NOT going to happen quickly, it is dependent upon many things, not all under HA control, see kanga_who’s post below for the detail.

haha, yes, that 'd be cool! finally being able to do so (SSD/RPI4) #fingerscrossed

I have the same problem and have now updated via USB, but there is detail on it here:
Hassos will not update I have had it for a little while now, for a few different updates of Hass.os

I’m getting an error while trying to update from a Virtual Box VM Error: 500 Internal Server Error Server got itself in trouble

Then how should we be referencing it when we are discussing the “Generic Linux Install”?

Are you saying that since hassio runs in docker by default then saying “hassio in docker” is implying that it’s “hassio in docker in docker”?

After reading this thread and clearly not understanding the technology. What am I running on my PI4? HassOS or Hass.io

It looks to me like you’re running Raspbian+docker+hassio

Unless I have missed the info (quite likely), the RPi4 needs a update to the eeprom to enable native USB boot. It is handled differently in the Pi4 vs the Pi3. This will be pushed as a firmware update from the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Once the Pi4 gets that update, the HA devs can work on HassOS to boot from USB.

From raspberrypi.org

Network and USB boot
Support for these additional bootmodes will be added in the future via optional bootloader updates. The current schedule is to release network boot first, then USB boot.”

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Exactly right. Same as Debian/Ubuntu+docker+hassio

How then do you describe the generic linux install of hassio?
You have to install the O/S and then install docker and then install hassio.
I don’t understand how this is factually incorrect. How exactly would you prefer this is referred to?


I’ve had people saying that if you say you are running hassio then docker is implied as hassio only runs in docker. (which is true)

This is very confusing for people.

From the honeypot #hassio-in-docker discord channel

There is no hassio-in-docker, and that perspective is going to harm you and not help you. There isn't a special "hassio in docker" install. EVERY install of Hassio uses docker. You can only change the OS that is running docker, which is more likely what you mean.

Sorry, I saw David was replying so waited.
Thanks for this it puts ‘most’ of the issues in perspective.
Aeotec have dodgy hardware with their stick (they admit it and are working towards a resolution (not sure how unless it’s to “buy this new and improved (ie compliant) z wave stick”). ).
The raspberry pi organisation have changed usb hub implementation (on the pi 4) so it (consequently) refuses the aeotec stick cos of ‘violations’ (justly so having read the issues).
And we now need an update on the bootloader front to get usb loading (ho hum :pensive: )
It’s amazing that ANY developers get anywhere on this, so again I raise a glass to our guys for fighting through this treacle :beer:
I think it’s interesting about the network boot they are working on first, I’ll have to look into that for other things too.
An interesting read.

As the “generic linux install” of course.

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@frenck, from personal experience, the fundamental problem is there is nothing (that I have found) that explains the relationships between HassOS, Hass.IO and Home Assistant in a manner that is easily understood. The install guides are a maze and getting what you want can sometimes be a lottery.

It needs some simple explanation - assume the reader has little knowledge of the architecture and start from there.

[edit] As an example this is the first ‘suggest post’ - what does this mean.


There are simple explanations here on the forum.

But why not in the docs? How do I know which explanation is the authoritative one?


Because you haven’t submitted an edit to include it.

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Also see

Because I don’t understand it.

I note from a post on another thread you posted to Hass Vs hass.io Vs hassOS - #5 by samnewman86

Which implies you are not absolutely sure either…

[edit] posts crossed!!!