hassOS 4.8 upgrade breaks my install

After doing a clean install and getting it to work on 4.8, I now have a notification that an update is available, back to 3.13. Not sure whether i should do it, or leave it running as is now because it seems to be fine. Any suggestions?


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:grinning: Posted the same some minutes ago… deleted! I keep 4.8 version, running on Pi2.

It’s just me or the notification has been retired?

Maybe they pulled the update after this much issues?

I’m still on 4.8 and it’s running normally now. But I fear what’s going to happen when I reboot the instance…

IDK, but it’s still on GitHub as a release and it received some patches

This is really bad news for me and my Tinkerboard S.

Running Home Assistant fully from eMMC was the main reason I bought the S variant of this board.

How long can I run Home Assistant with OS 3.13, and how many Core updates will work with this OS?

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I guess it is only a temp problem, but I would not update, I have the same setup and it bricked my complete board until I recovered eMMC support by putting in an SD card with official Tinkerboard SD image (official recovery method). A new install was possible after that, but everything was lost (luckily I had a good backup)

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Were you able to get home assistant running again with a clean install + snapshot restore on the eMMC?

I just wonder from the github comments about not having an active developer with a Tinkerboard S, this potentially drops support for eMMC?

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Yes eMMC support has been dropped for tinker S. If you still want to use this board you have 3 choices:

  • use a SD card again and forget eMMC
  • install HassOS on SD card and offload the data partition on eMMC using the right CLI command (see doc)
  • learn how things work and do a PR to restore boot from eMMC

Currently boot from eMMC is no more supported but offloading data is.

Thanks makai,

So this isn’t so bad, you can use an old microSD card to boot HassOS, but then all writes and activity take place on the eMMC? Obviously you just need to leave the microSD card in there all the time.

I see you previously linked to this documentation that describes the command that does this.

I’m fairly limited when it comes to linux and commandline stuff but this seems doable; the idea is that you would image a microSD card with HassOS, boot from this on the tinkerboard, use the CLI command to move the data partition, and restore your snapshot? The data partition being moved to eMMC is persistant after future OS and Core updates?

Got it working again but only with the old release. Seeing the other comments, now I understand why it did not work.

Would have been good to place it in the release notes somewhere.


Yes and I hope Yes (did not test).
You can use one of the 2 addons that provides SSH access to CLI (you need to activate advance mode in your profil in HA)


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4.9 was pushed about an hour ago

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Same issue. I restarted 4 times but old 3.13 didn’t come back…Poor me…

Managed to sort mine
Did a fresh install of 4.8 on a spare SD Card
Then did a restore from snapshot
Bit of a pain but got there

Fortunately after 3 reboots by 3.13 came back. Whew!!! Still shows 4.8 as available for upgrade (i saw a mention of 4.9 elsewhere). I am running a pi3b+. Won’t upgrade for a while and see if I can get a better handle on what the issue is/was.

Had the same problems yesterday, and had to restore the whole system. Luckily I had a full backup from two days back, but had to also reinstall plugins.

After upgrading, the boot just stalled at “A start job is running for Wait Until Kernel Time Synchronized” for hours without getting further.

I don’t succeed in the reboot triggering the rollback. Did it already many times with the zigbee stick in and out but still doesn’t come back online.
Can someone give me a tip how I can trigger the rollback ?

Kind regards

It seems to roll back after the third failed attempt, but here on GitHub you can find a way to rollback by making HA think it’s an update.

was already trying to install from scratch but image is already 4.8
got it started and now trying to install snapshot but that looks to take a long time or it broke my new setup already.

Already half an hour I started the snapshot restore and not able to connect to it. Looks broken.
I see version 4.9 is available. Does that version work ?