hassOS 4.8 upgrade breaks my install

I have a Tinkerboard S and 4.8 seems to have killed it completely. I can’t even get to the eMMC on the board when I try to hook it up to re-image it. I get no display when I power it on and have a monitor connected, etc…
I ended up having to use an older snapshot and moved everything to a Pi4 I had been planning to move to when SSD boot is supported. So I’m back up and running on a Pi4 + SD card, just wish I hadn’t bricked my Tinkerboard in the process.

it is not bricked and I think that if you try to boot it 3 times it will be back up.

eMMC support has been removed from Tinker S. You can offload the data partition if you want. This seems to be the new way of using eMMC

@platup If the boot it 3 times doesn’t work I was able to get my Tinker Board S back up after the same problem, Windows would not see the eMMC like when I originally flashed it but was able to get it working again. You put the official Tinker OS on an SD, swap a jumper cap around for “Maskrom mode”, plug into your PC and it should come back as a storage device in Windows so you can reflesh the eMMC.

I might’ve taken the long road, hadn’t seen anything about the booting 3 times yesterday ;/

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Yeah, I tried the boot 3 times. It was probably more like try to boot about 10 times.
I also tried the USB CONFIG method to roll back, etc… Nothing seemed to work.

I didn’t try to recover it with SD, so thanks for that. At least I might be able to get the thing usable again for something, but at this point I’ll most likely stay on the Pi4. Hopefully the SSD boot isn’t far behind.

Same here! Also fresh install is not starting-up… Has anybody tested the image before release? Sorry guys, i´m very happy with HA on Pi4, but this update breaks everything…

Guys I had the exact same issue you all are having. Running HassOS on a Rpi3 32bit. Wasn’t able to access SSH/SMB or frontend after update however the device could be pinged on the network.

I did a reset 3 times (literally pulled the plug for 30s or so) and the system reverted back to 3.13. Still waiting on more information before trying the update again. Have no idea why 3 times is a charm, but it does work, not 1, not 2, 3…

Oh and I tried two times updating to 4.8, same results, same (revert) solution…


I am using an Rpi 4 64bit. In my case USB was the issue after updating to 4.8. I updated and the Rpi wouldn`t come online. When i disconnected my USB Z-Wave Stick the system was able to start. I also did a clean install of the system and tried connecting the USB Z-Wave stick again but as soon as i try to reboot the Rpi with anything on USB the system won’t start. Maybe this helps someone to at least start it again.

Okay, I have a Conbee 2 Stick connected. What happens if you boot the Pi and connect the USB afterwards?

You will see the connected device under hardware paths. But in my case, i could not make it work without restarting in between plugging in and configuring. So no joy. I use an Aeotec Z-Wave stick.

In this case a general USB issue I would estimate. Lets wait for a new release… :face_with_monocle:

Add me to the list of unfortunates. Trying the no USB option now.

I guess I will wait till I get home to update.

Update: Raspberry Pi2 with USB is working fine :partying_face:

I’m experiencing the same. Just opdated on a RPi 3B and now it doesn’t even want to boot. Connected a screen and it shows nothing…

I use a USB SSD, Conbee 1 and a USB Z-Wave. Zero problems updating. Strange how it’s affecting some and not others.

I had the same problem, RPi 3B with 2 USB devices connected.
After disconnecting the power 3 times it reverted back to 3.13.

Yep, HassOS 4.8 upgrade killed my RPi3B+ based instance. At another home, this upgrade worked fine for a RPi4B instance.

DON’T UPDATE to HassOS 4.8!!!

Raspberry Pi 3B+ and stoped responding.

Ping - OK
Home Assistant - NOK

EDIT: After 3 restart attempts the old 3.13 came back to life.

4.8 does also break Tinkerboard, was unable to recover by multiple restarts. The only way I could find to start over was to use MMC recovery (see Asus Tinkerboard user manual).

Good moment to test my disaster recovery :sweat:

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Just to add my voice to the thread - 4.8 upgrade from 3.13 broke my install on a RPI3B+.

Had to do the reboot 3 times and rollback to get it working again.