flashed the latest release of Hassos to a new SD card. Unfortunately my Mac reported, that the drive is not valid and needs to be initialized (which I did not do).
I’ve testet other Images (RPI4 both, PRPI3 32bit) and did nome tests on another Mac, the issue stayed the same.
As another test, I’ve downloaded a Raspian image. With this i‘ve a config volume after flashing.
I assume there is something wrong with the images (i.e. MBR). In all cases I used Etcher for the flashing.
I’ve had the same issues. Used RPi4 3.3 and 3.4 32 and 64 bit images. No serial output or HDMI output. I do, however, get an IP when connected via Ethernet. Weird. How many disk partitions should be on a disk after flashing the image? I’m only seeing 4 show up in Ubuntu.
I can see of course all partitions in an software. My concern was about the config partition which is a FAT partition on i.e. Raspian. But I understand from your text that the config partition is not on FAT.