HassOs vs Portainer/Docker/Python Issues (Inverter/BMS data capture)

Very new to this and it’s been a decade or 2 since I ran an Linux distros so the learning curve has been humerous to say the least, please move this if I’ve put it in the wrong category.

So far I have a Pi4 running HassOS natively, all my smart plugs, sensibo climate control, my personal weather station and some stats from my router all reporting to the dashboard without issue - great start.

Now I want to talk to my off grid setup and here’s where I’m getting stuck as there appears to be no add-ons/integrations that support this - but there are a few Git Projects specifically for it, but I cannot get them working.

To set the scene.

I have an MPP/Voltronic Inverter and a JK/Heltec BMS with a battery bank (no smart shunt in this system).

Currently I can monitor the inverter via their own android apps (Bluetooth only for the BMS, though I am working on the RS485 cable setup) Inverter apps are cloud based.

I would like to integrate at least some of this data into Home Assistant so I can automate some of the smart plugs and in particular my contactor setup (mechanically and electronically interlocked contactors controlled by smart plug so I can switch between my off grid system and my normal on grid system).

So far I have found https://community.home-assistant.io/t/programmatically-read-data-from-your-solar-inverter-voltronic-axpert-mppsolar-pip-voltacon-effekta-etc-and-interface-with-home-assistant-via-mqtt-works-with-rs232-usb/119053

Which leads to https://hub.docker.com/r/bushrangers/ha-voltronic-mqtt/

It appears I should be able to pull that down into portainer (which Ihave installed, as well as MQTT add-ons) and run it, but when deploying it as a stack it errors out saying the file system is read only, I have to use the editor and change the version to the 2 as v3 s not supported. It falls down creating volumes it seems.

If I try and pull the image first then deploy a container I don’t know how to link the image to the container/create and link volumes anyway.

My hope is that if I can at least talk to the inverter I can do some basic battery level calcs from charge current in/out vs time, but ideally would like to talk to the BMS directly.

I can go this way and try and hit the BMS directly https://github.com/jblance/mpp-solar but I can’t work out how to run a pyhton script within HassOS as it doesn’t appear to be fully supported.

Some guidance would be fantastic please!