I’m not really new to home automatisation, i’m using currently fhem, but new to HA. I’ve installed already a test system and it looks really good so far. But there is currently one show stopper for me, switching to HA: At fhem I was able to define heating planes for different rooms. It looks like that:
In that case it defines for the climate device (homematic based) Wohnung.Wohnzimmer.Device.Heizkoerperthermostat1_Clima the differen heating settings. For saturday for example, that up to 7:30 there is set a temp of 20.0 °C. Then up to 08:00 21.0 °C and so on. Now, if i see it right, it’s handled on another way in HA. Its definied on rules and events and not on a list. Do i understand it right or is there a way, define it with a list like i already knew?
Another nice way be, if I could configure every device with a plan like this (AVM Fritz!Box):
There is not much you cannot do with HA and of course you can schedule different states for you rooms.
What devices do you use for controlling the climate?
You cannot compare fhem with HA. Fhem was built for heating control initially. This you will see on many places.
Additionally, your list comes from CUL/vCCU implementation. This is not available in HA therefor you need to use a CCU2/3 or one of the emulations like dematic.
In HA you can send the list values to Homematic as well. You need to configure the Homematic IP local plugin. GET / PUT Paramset.
Ideally, you download the existing values using the “GET” function. This shows you the expected format. This is the RAW Homematic format, nothing HA, Fhem, or other wrapper adjustment.
Edit, when you are happy to let HA control all the heating you could use the “custom:scheduler-card”. There you are able to set temperature profiles for each heater. Multiple selections are possilbe. It’s not very user friendly but check it by yourself. Screenshot attached as well.
Thank you for pointing out the differences. I’m a bit more experienced with FHEM and still have to get familiar to the different concepts. On the whole it works, but I found it a bit difficult with the heating control.
The fact that the list cannot be adopted in a directly comparable way is fine with me. Ultimately, I just think it would be good if I could send a heating schedule via CCU or whatever, instead of having it done entirely by HA. If HA controls the different temperatures, I think that consumes more battery in the components than if the schedules are stored there.
For me, it would be enough if I could switch from a vacation heating schedule to a work heating schedule via HA, for example, and everything is transferred. Otherwise the change between automatic and manual control.
Do you or anyone else here have any experience of how to store and run these homematic heating profiles?
I doubt that there is significant battery drain. Only disadvantage is that the thermostat will keep the latest temperature when HA goes down.
When I get this right it’s the normal control widget in HA.
Option 1: keeping the benefit of independency to a running home automation. Check out the available Homematic wall thermostat. There you can store 3 week profiles and switch between them in HA
Option 2: use the “get paramset” + “put paramset” in HA using automation. Create an automation for each thermostat and profile. You would need a automation without trigger for “bathroom vacation heating”, “bathroom work heating”, “kitchen vacation heating”, “kitchen work heating”, … and so on. Having that automation in place you can trigger them via scheduler, buttons or calendar event.
I do not know how fhem works,but I use Homematic IP with debmatic (many use RaspberryMatic, but it is pretty much the same).
In that setup the Debmatic is the virtual CCU and can handle the devices like a normal Homematic CCU and HA just control the devices through that.
That means schedules and vacation can be done in both places.
The Homematic_local integration makes it possible to program these things in the CCU from HA too.
I do not know if a similar setup is available for fhem,but maybe.
It doesn’t without external trigger to update the stored week profiles. Only one weekprofile can be stored. Except you have a wall thermostat in place.TE requirement is to switch between them and his question is how to establish it.
Thank you for your helpful feedback! I’ll dig in with my HA test installation for the next few days and test a few things. I already have a CCU running, which means I should theoretically be able to connect it quickly using the options described.
If it works, I’ll be happy, as HA offers a lot more options and convenience than FHEM. I’m also more familiar with Python than Perl, which means that what I still need to adapt should be quite easy.
When you want to adapt existing features or add own logic I’d recommend to check out Node-Red integration. Its personal preference but I like this much more as debugging is quite easy and sequences / flows can be arranged using graphical interface. The functions in Node-Red use JavaScript what could be disadvantage when you are a Python expert.
Ahhh! Then it explains why I didn’t receive a copy. I thought I had to enter something extra to be able to see the output.
That was maybe the reason, why I’ve seen not output. Where can I find the channels I need to request?
You can store up to 3 “Week-Profiles” in your eTRV.
The easyest way to do that is via Homematic-WebUI (device settings).
From HA side you can switch the preset_mode via UI or action…
Thank you, specifying the channel has now generated an output for me! The referencing of @morlies may still help me to understand everything better.
I think your suggestion with the weekly programs is the simplest way and basically meets my requirements.
Maybe I still have the possibility to give the presets in HA other names so that they can be better identified, but otherwise it fits so well
Perhaps an additional question: I am currently in the process of configuring a card for the heating itself in a new dashboard. So far I have already found out how to limit the list of weekly programmes to 2. However, I would now like to rename the labels from ‘WP 1’ and ‘WP 2’ to ‘Work’ and ‘Holiday’ respectively, but I haven’t found anything on whether or how to do this? Do I have to create my own control here?