Hi, hope this is the right place.
I’m new to home assistant, so running through a lot of tutorials and youtube to get my smart stuff setup.
Kind of drawn a blank on my heating system however.
HA detects it, then asks for a ‘HomeKit’ code, which I don’t have as, I don’t have HomeKit,
The ‘official’ integration is for an older system running under RS323 (wow that takes me back), so wont run the modern Neo units.
Looked at Hacs, but the 2 integrations I’ve found seem deprecated.
I tried GitHub - MindrustUK/Heatmiser-for-home-assistant: Heatmiser Neo-Hub / Neostat support for home-assistant.io but the install instructions don’t work, when you search for the required repo, it says it can’t be found, so that’s a non starter.
There was another I tried, which gave me a config to put in the main configuration, but that gave a mus-configuration error.
So I have a Heatmiser Neo Hub 3 wired to my home router, I know the IP, I then have 2 room Neo Air stats that are wifi, which I don’t know the IP’s of.
I’ve successfully managed to get them working in Google Home (yes I’m one of those who use google ).
So is there a way I can get these integrated with HA?
Hi Leana, similar setup here - did you ever get this working? : ) Thanks in advance
I originally had this working. HA detected via HomeKit, the code is written on the hub. It has stopped working, not sure when. I have reset the NeoHub but its not being detected. Any ideas? Thanks.
For me, Heatmiser was first automatically detected as HomeKit. I used it for a while but it was a bit clunky. I recently switched to Mindrust solution GitHub - MindrustUK/Heatmiser-for-home-assistant: Heatmiser Neo-Hub / Neostat support for home-assistant.io and it looks like it is working fine. It also shows the battery status of my NeoAir thermostat. The only problem is when you play around with the entities in a dashboard, it goes offline and comes back on its own (just for a short while).
Was the NeoHub getting IP address from DHCP? If so, the router will remembering to re issue the same IP address to the NeoHub every time the lease runs out. Unless you factory reset your router, or replaced your router.
NeoHub is linked to my router with a static IP. I don’t believe the router is causing the problem. Instead, I suspect that when I press numerous buttons commands to control the heating in all four zones, it displays an API error message at the bottom (couldnt parse the command something like this. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to capture those errors. It’s a bit frustrating when both the HA climate dashboard and the heatmiser mobile app become unavailable at the same time.
Sadly not, I eventually worked out what a HomeKit pairing code was, it’s on the box, and tried to enter it, but I get the error “This device is already being paired, abort or retry”. So I can’t get it to work, I see that ‘Home automation guy’ on youtube has the same system and it works perfectly for him, I’ve asked a few times if he can make a video on how he did this, as it just refuses to work for me, so so frustrating.
Tried this too, installed the HAC, restarted, added the integration, it gives me the host and port popup, but I can go no further, I tried both a host name Neo-hub and IP address ( but no joy, enabled legacy API, interestingly running the command in the instructions, tells me that port 4242 on my hubs IP is closed, so either the Port has changed or they no longer hold that port open.
I wasted a few days getting the same message and then discovered that in the 8 digit code a zero looks like an eight. Got it paired with HA.
I hope this helps, albeit a bit late.
I recently discovered the same thing and posted about it. Probably the devs could make that error message clearer as I was misled into thinking that my controller was actually being controlled by another controller. I spent weeks deleting and adding the controller and even went so far as buying another hub. As soon as I entered the ‘0’ rather than the ‘8’ it instantly added and is now working flawlessly. Stick with it, it does seem to work in the end!