Help! Automation triggers twice on any state

I have a UniFi AI Pro camera located at my gate to detect license plates entering my property. However, my automation is triggered twice: once for a detected plate and again when the state changes to ‘Clear.’ I’ve tried changing the trigger from ‘Clear’ to ‘Any state,’ but I don’t receive any triggers at all. Ideally, I’d like the automation to trigger only once when any license plate is detected. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Post you automation config yaml.

You can set the state to trigger on detect add/or add a condition if the state is clear.

  - condition: not
    - condition: state
      entity_id: "front gate license plate entity"
      state: "Clear" (case sensitive)
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Here is my yaml.

alias: Plate Detected All Outside Gate
description: Send to Telegram
  - platform: state
      - sensor.front_gate_outside_license_plate_detected
    to: null
condition: []
  - service: telegram_bot.send_photo
    metadata: {}
      authentication: digest
      caption: "Delmar Notification: Any License Plate Detected!! Front Gate Outside"
mode: single

are you choosing “clear” from the ui? or are you specifying “clear” in yaml? for my motion binary_sensor, the friendly name is “clear” but the corresponding real state is “off”… so the yaml needs to be “off”. if you’re doing it all in the ui, then it’ll figure this out for you.

i would remove your “to” state and add:

   not_to: "off"

to your trigger block… with the presumption that you never want to get notified when things go to ‘clear’/off .

you’ll need to do this in yaml mode. so it’s important to get the right underlying value, not the friendly name.

i’m guessing a bit… if this doesn’t work for you, please go to the history of this entity and post what that history looks like.

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my post crossed yours. how about the below. best to fix the “not_to” to be correct, however since you can have multiple, i threw in different permutations…

alias: Plate Detected All Outside Gate
description: Send to Telegram
  - platform: state
      - sensor.front_gate_outside_license_plate_detected
      - "off"
      - "clear"
      - "Clear"
condition: []
  - service: telegram_bot.send_photo
    metadata: {}
      authentication: digest
      caption: "Delmar Notification: Any License Plate Detected!! Front Gate Outside"
mode: single

fixed per edwin_d… teach me to make last sec mods.

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What is the state history for “sensor.front_gate_outside_license_plate_detected”

Here is my entity history.

This should be:

      - "off"
      - "clear"
      - "Clear"
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History shows translated states, you should look in developer tools for the real value.

Is this what you are asking?

Yes, click on more info and check the state history.

I don’t have a Unifi AI, but it should look similar to the image below with variable states.

After clicking on the “i” button I get this popup.

Ok, now check the state history for License Plate Detected

Just noticed the log, you can use any of the initial suggestions posted earlier by me or @armedad

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Try it like this.

alias: Plate Detected All Outside Gate
description: Send to Telegram
  - platform: state
      - sensor.front_gate_outside_license_plate_detected
  - condition: not
    - condition: state
      entity_id:  sensor.front_gate_outside_license_plate_detected
      state: "Clear"
  - service: telegram_bot.send_photo
    metadata: {}
      authentication: digest
      caption: "Delmar Notification: Any License Plate Detected!! Front Gate Outside"
mode: single
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I found this unifiprotect_blueprint, and they have the trigger configure like this.

  - platform: state
    entity_id: !input licenseplate_sensor
    from: "none"
    not_to: "unavailable"

I will give this a try also.

Thank you Coolie1101, and Everyone :slight_smile:

Still curious as to the state history for License Plate Detected sensor though

Here is what I got from a Downloaded .csv

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Then the blueprint is correct.

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