Help : Hop between WIFI networks to control Lytworx wireless LED's

Hi all,

New to home assistant, hoping for some help or guidance on this one.

I have 3 sets of Lytworx 200L fairy lights. I can fire off JSON queries to the device to control the different modes but each set of lights acts as its own access point, they all use the same IP scheme.

I was hoping to use some scripting to hop my raspberry pi3 running hass and cycle through these AP’s firing off the chosen JSON each time

Hey mate, just wondering if you managed to get lytworx to work via HA?

I have their new light flex string and also hoping to get it to work

It’s working great with

Can you post Config, I’ve had issues getting it working with the default config from wiki

  - platform: flux_led
    automatic_add: true
        name: Flux

That’s what I have and it works for me