Lytworx LED strip light from Bunnings [Australia]


I have purchased from Bunnings. The light is controlled by “Magic Home Pro” app. Magic Home - Home Assistant claims that the “Magic Home” integration can control Lytworx products.

Two threads are talking about Lytworx, but they are old and there is no conformation that it actually works. They are:

  1. Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware
  2. Help : Hop between WIFI networks to control Lytworx wireless LED's

Does someone have success with Lytworx LED strip light in HA?


Yes. I have three that work just fine with the Magic Home / flux_led integration.

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Thanks for the confirmation. I’ve configured mine and it works indeed! :grinning:

Hi! I havw recently purchased these lights. They won’t seem to connect to the wifi or the remote won’t even connect no matter how many try’s I rest them. What did you do to get your lights to work?