Help Me understand This Line of Code

I’ve added a 4 line LED display to an ESP32 Sprinkler Controller. I’m attempting to rotate two data points on one line of the display. I found an example of how to do so on GITHUB at 9-Valve-Sprinkler-Controller. My ultimate goal is to reduce the number of items displayed on this line to two, rather than three. The line of code I don’t fully understand is;

display_phase = (id(display_passthrough_counter) & 6) >> 1;

From my research, I believe the line of code is performing a bit shift. If this is the case, please help me understand how that works. How do the “& 6” and “>> 1” figure into the code?

For clarity, here’s the section of code this line comes from;

    lambda: |-
      // Current run state
      static const char *run_state_string;
      // Establish state - rain, or auto off string
      if(((id(automatic_watering_enable) == false) || (id(is_raining) == true )) && (id(sprinklers_status).state == false)){
        if(id(is_raining) == true){
          run_state_string = "${rain_string}";
        } else {
          run_state_string = "${auto_off_string}";
      } else {
        // Convert Enum to string
        int state = id($devicename).controller_state();
          case 0:
            run_state_string = "${idle_state_string}";
          case 1:
            run_state_string = "${starting_state_string}";
          case 2:
            run_state_string = "${active_state_string}";
          case 3:
            run_state_string = "${stopping_state_string}";
          case 4:
            run_state_string = "${bypass_state_string}";
            run_state_string = "UNKNOWN";
      // Line 0
      // Print the current time
      if(id(ds1307_time).is_failed() == false){
        it.strftime(0, 0, "%a %b %d/%y %I:%M", id(ds1307_time).now());
        if (id(ds1307_time).now().hour <12){
          // Use shadow address ("\x08") of custom character for "A". Using "\x00" fails to display character.
          it.print(19,0, "\x08");
        } else {
          it.print(19,0, "\x01");
      } else {
        it.print(0, 0, "Date Unknown!");
        it.print(14, 0, "--:--");
      // Line 1
      it.print(0, 1, run_state_string );
      if (id(display_ip_address) == true){
        std::string val = id(our_ip_address).state;
        // Line 3
        it.print(0, 3, val.c_str());  // Display IP address instead of valve state
      } else { 
        int display_phase = 0;
        std::string val;
        char dbm_str[17];
        // Alternate between valve state and WiFi disconnected message if WiFi is disconnected.
          if((id(wifi_connection_state) == true) || (((id(display_passthrough_counter) & 2) == 0))){ 
            // This handles the state of the fault LED for all fault types
            if(id(has_fault) == false){
                // Turn off fault LED
                digitalWrite(13, false);
            } else {
                 // Turn on fault LED
                digitalWrite(13, true);
            // If no WiFi fault, cycle through valve state, ip address, ssid, and rssi
            if(id(wifi_connection_state) == true){
              display_phase = (id(display_passthrough_counter) & 6) >> 1;
              case 1:
                // Display IP address
                val = id(our_ip_address).state;
                it.printf(0, 3, "IP: %s", val.c_str());
              case 2:
                // Display SSID
                val = id(network_ssid).state;
                it.printf(0, 3, "SSID: %s", val.c_str());
              case 3: // RSSI
                // Display RSSI
                val = id(wifi_signal_dbm).state;
                snprintf(dbm_str, 16, "RSSI: %d dBm",(int8_t) val.c_str()[0]);
                it.print(0, 3, dbm_str);
              // Valve status
                // Update current open valve
                if (id(sprinklers_status).state == true){
                  // Controller running, so a valve should be open
                  // Display Zone Name and Time Remaning
                  // Line 3
                  it.print(0, 3, id(valves_status_string));
                  it.printf(12, 3, "T:%s", id(current_zone_time_remaining).c_str());
                } else {
                  // No valves open
                  // Line 3
                  it.print(0, 3, id(to_string("${valves_idle_string}")));
          } else {
            // Display "No WiFi Conn!"
            // If no fault, then set turn on fault led
            // This will flash the fault led if there isn't any WiFi connection.
            if(id(has_fault) == false){
              digitalWrite(13, true);
            // Line 3
            it.print(0, 3, id(to_string("${no_wifi_string}")));  

The first line increments display_passthrough_counter with the ++ so it’ll produce

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

I think & 6 produces a modulo like

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

Which feeds into the case, which has 6 options.

Thanks, Nick. I’ll see how I make out from here.