Help us name a Home Assistant installation method (Polls added)

I don’t know! What if? And how would you tell anyway? Does it even matter?

Because Home assistant OS tells you in supervisor if the operating system (actual) has an update so if that fails or causes a problem the likely then operating system caused the error. I believe this happened recently to a few users on the forum. That would be very difficult to explain and get support

If you have Home Assistant OS you have both the operating system AND the Home Assistant OS installation. It is not that hard to work it out - certainly no harder if not easier than anything else support wise.

customers calls workshop to book in their car to be serviced

customer: Hi, can I book in my Toyota Toyota for an oil change please?
workshop: Sure, which model Toyota do you own?
customer: Yes

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Yeah, but is anyone going to be asking for support specifically for the underlying operating system of Home Assistant OS, rather than just… the thing as a whole? Assuming they don’t just rename the underlying operating system to a non-conflicting name.

It’s pretty much a closed system.

See this thread from a couple of weeks ago doing exactly that

I’m pretty sure the ‘collective will of the community’ was only being sought as an indicative view.

I hope those on high aren’t now going to hide behind that argument if the new name turns out to be a disaster.

I’m not saying it will be, I’m just wondering who is owning the responsibility :wink:

At least, we got the chance to comment before the decision.


Everyone who contributed in this thread an voted for their choice of name do.
We had the choice. We voted. They went with it, we have to live with it

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Not in a vacuum nor in the documentation. The ADRs aren’t using the term “HassOS” they are using the operating system project’s actual name which is Home Assistant Operating System. That’s the unabbreviated form of the name the community just selected for the installation method. That results in documentation for Home Assistant OS that sounds somewhat circular when it describes its operating system. Read ADR-0015 to see what I mean, specifically the Operating System section.

The key to differentiating them will be to never expand the “OS” in Home Assistant OS or abbreviate the “Operating System” in Home Assistant Operating System.

Supported Operating Systems and versions

This installation method is only available and supported using the Home Assistant Operating System. Only the latest major version is supported (Currently, 4.x).
architecture/adr/ at c57bf5d8ea355dbaa3373427cb5baea02d3ab40b · home-assistant/architecture · GitHub

We finally got them to come to us to get our input on a decision. Now is not the time to start complaining that they actually listened to us just because you don’t like the results.

In a democratic process not everyone gets what they want. Accept it and move on.


I agree we ought to accept it and move on but disagree this was a democratic process. It began as a suggestion thread in one online community (the Reddit community has more members) that transformed into an unannounced (demonstrably biased) poll with no clear voting timeframe and whose top choice was never guaranteed to be the winner (because it could be vetoed). The initial winner was almost immediately rescinded and replaced with another because the categorized poll was misread. Out of 65 thousand community members, 66 selected the new name. Using “democratic” to describe this process is a misapplication of the word.

Nonetheless, it has produced two letters we can tack on to the end of Home Assistant and call it an installation method. It’s time to move forward with Home Assistant OS.

There’s an amusing aspect of the winning name. Guess what was the second top-choice in the winning name’s category? It was “We should not use this category.”


@francisp, yes and I have already said I was grateful for that irrespective of the outcome.

@aidbish, Yes we do, I will and I won’t honestly lose any sleep over it.

@finity, I’m really not complaining about the decision. It’s not mine to complain about and as I said, once it’s made I won’t actually care that much. I do though think that it is disingenuous to suggest that the community made the decision.

And, what @123 said.

In the last US election only 30% of the people voted. Do we not have a “democracy”? Just because people don’t participate if they have the opportunity doesn’t mean it’s not a democracy.

I think that’s an unfair characterization.

I’m just glad they asked us.


Sorry i ahve to disagree. 65k users had an opportunity to vote. not many did and the 66 (albeit small amount) got the majority. That in my book is a democratic result.

One thing i will add though, it does show with the amount of people in the forums and of those who voted most couldn’t care less about the name really. So was the poll or name change worth it?


I’d say only because the previous name change was so confusing :wink:

I think the word “opportunity” is being used disingenuously.

Were the 65k users informed that in one week there would be an election held, for two days, to vote for a new name? No. The thread wasn’t even pinned so it remained visible for the regulars of this one community forum. I wager most of the community isn’t even aware this vote took place.

Good, let’s use a US election as a comparison. This is one where ~1% of the US population voted. It started as a call for candidates. Then it changed into an election where you can vote for multiple candidates and even vote against entire categories of candidates.

Cherry-picking any part of this process and holding up that bit as an examplar of democracy, or comparable to federal elections, is disingenuous.

But demonstrably true.


Last time around the complaint was that the community had no input on the name, and so this time around an effort was made to involve the community right from the very start of the renaming process. Immediately after the ADR went up 11 days ago I shared the link on this forum and you can see that several members of this community participated on GitHub.

Then I created this dedicated thread for greater visibility and a lot more people participated. Everything was done out in the open with input from the community every step of the way. The names were suggested, discussed, and voted upon by this very community over the last 8 days, and “Home Assistant OS” is what ultimately got the most votes.

My favorite picks (Suite, One) didn’t win and some other team members favorite picks (Hub) didn’t win either. But the actual winner as decided upon by community members in this thread was accepted and there’s complaints about that, so I don’t even know what else to say at this point. :man_shrugging:

If the community wishes to toss this result out and just let the team members decide instead, I’m totally fine with that. I will leave that choice up to you guys to figure out and come to a consensus on. At this point I feel it’s best to stay out of it so things can’t be twisted around.


Please, please, don’t let this reaction from a few people stop the dev team from seeking feedback from the users/forum members in the future.

I’m confused as much as you are by those reactions. We wanted input and you gave us the input and some users aren’t happy about the results and I don’t get it. It really makes no sense at all. :man_shrugging:


I’m very happy we got to discuss on this :slight_smile:

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