Help with figuring out KNX

Hi everyone,

I just rented a new place and the house comes with some KNX things which I have no idea about. (actually first time I’ve heard about KNX). The installation looks relatively old (~10 years) and the owner only knows the passwords for users not for admin.

The system is pretty old (requires ie11 + java to run :pensive:) so I wanted to add it to has so I can manage it without requiring the above. I’ve tried setting up the KNX integration but I get stuck when it asks for “Authentication Code” of the device because I don’t own an ETS licence (which from what I gathered is required).

So I have a few questions:

  1. Does anyone know how I can get the Code without ETS?
  2. Is there another way to manage this installation except ETS?
  3. Does anyone have a guide or smth regarding KNX?

Hi :wave:!

The good news is: you probably don’t need any code. This is used for KNX IP Secure - which came to market in the last 2-3 years I guess - so your installation probably won’t support it.

Bad news: you would need to know the group addresses and their usage to configure the KNX integration and finding these out without ETS and the .knxproj file is quite cumbersome.

The code you have is probably only for some installed visualisation / logic system. You wouldn’t get it from ETS either. Keep in mind that KNX is a fully decentralised system - so there is no main server managing everything. If you have an IP interface installed you can directly communicate with every actuator, sensor, switch etc.
This is a nice first little step to introduce you to KNX.
Other then that there are a few KNX ppl on this forum that would be happy to help understanding the basics.

Important thing to note is that you want to have the KNX components do most if not all of the work.
And try to only use things like HA for visualization and some automations that need to tie into other components.
That way your installation will keep working even if your HA stops, network dies ect ect.

But first step would be to get your KNX programming, without it you are most likely better off starting again.
There is a scan en repair module, but that isnt cheap :S And you’ll still need someone with a decent knowledge of KNX to use that.

Here someone gathered some resources about KNX in english (I assume, have not looked into these myself): Home Automation - Learning KNX resources

Hello did you figure out how works your KNX installation?

First of all you have to find out if you have an IP module or at least an USB module on your main electrical cabinet.

After that you can download the ETS software. You can download it directly from the KNX org with this link it’s an old version but it’s perfectly working and can help you starting.

If you have an IP on your installation you can find it directly on the ETS, and if you have an USB one you have to attach an cable from the USB to your computer.

This is an example of one USB Interface

And after that you can open the group monitor on the ETS and start viewing what is happening in your installation when you turn on-off some switchs.

Don’t be afraid it’s not that complicated as it seems :wink:

The big job it’s to turn on and off the lights and see what is happening.
You can post some print screens and I can try to help you finding out some patterns