Help with the SHT30-P - Waterproof Humidity and temperature probe

configuration is valid:

INFO Configuration is valid!
  name: esp32test
  platform: ESP32
  board: nodemcu-32s
  arduino_version: platformio/[email protected]
  build_path: esp32test
  platformio_options: {}
  includes: []
  libraries: []
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
    ssid: Test Fallback Hotspot
    ap_timeout: 1min
  enable_mdns: true
  domain: .local

Here is the log:
this is the latest version from 2 minutes ago with sensor hooked on the esp32 and from the UI

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/test.yaml...
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Compiling app...
INFO Running:  platformio run -d /config/esphome/esp32test
Processing esp32test (board: nodemcu-32s; framework: arduino; platform: platformio/[email protected])
HARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash
 - framework-arduinoespressif32 3.10004.210126 (1.0.4) 
 - tool-esptoolpy 1.30000.201119 (3.0.0) 
 - toolchain-xtensa32 2.50200.97 (5.2.0)
Library Manager: Installing Hash
Library Manager: Already installed, built-in library
Dependency Graph
|-- <AsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.2
|-- <FS> 1.0
|-- <ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome> 1.2.7
|   |-- <AsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.2
|   |-- <FS> 1.0
|   |-- <WiFi> 1.0
|-- <ESPmDNS> 1.0
|   |-- <WiFi> 1.0
|-- <Wire> 1.0.1
|-- <DNSServer> 1.1.0
|   |-- <WiFi> 1.0
|-- <Update> 1.0
|-- <WiFi> 1.0
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/api/api_connection.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/api/api_pb2.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/api/api_pb2_service.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/api/api_server.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/api/list_entities.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/api/proto.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/api/subscribe_state.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/api/user_services.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/api/util.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/captive_portal/captive_portal.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/i2c/i2c.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/logger/logger.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/ota/ota_component.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/sensor/automation.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/sensor/filter.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/sensor/sensor.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/sht3xd/sht3xd.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/web_server_base/web_server_base.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/wifi/wifi_component.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/wifi/wifi_component_esp32.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/components/wifi/wifi_component_esp8266.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/core/application.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/core/component.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/core/controller.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/core/esphal.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/core/helpers.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/core/log.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/core/preferences.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/core/scheduler.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/esphome/core/util.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/src/main.cpp.o
Generating partitions /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/partitions.bin
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib150/AsyncTCP-esphome/AsyncTCP.cpp.o
Archiving /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib150/libAsyncTCP-esphome.a
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib790/FS/FS.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib790/FS/vfs_api.cpp.o
Archiving /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib790/libFS.a
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib789/WiFi/ETH.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib789/WiFi/WiFi.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib789/WiFi/WiFiAP.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib789/WiFi/WiFiClient.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib789/WiFi/WiFiGeneric.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib789/WiFi/WiFiMulti.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib789/WiFi/WiFiSTA.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib789/WiFi/WiFiScan.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib789/WiFi/WiFiServer.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib789/WiFi/WiFiUdp.cpp.o
Archiving /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib789/libWiFi.a
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib768/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome/AsyncEventSource.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib768/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome/AsyncWebSocket.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib768/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome/SPIFFSEditor.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib768/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome/WebAuthentication.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib768/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome/WebHandlers.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib768/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome/WebRequest.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib768/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome/WebResponses.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib768/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome/WebServer.cpp.o
Archiving /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib768/libESPAsyncWebServer-esphome.a
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/libe94/ESPmDNS/ESPmDNS.cpp.o
Archiving /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/libe94/libESPmDNS.a
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib767/Wire/Wire.cpp.o
Archiving /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib767/libWire.a
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib43b/DNSServer/DNSServer.cpp.o
Archiving /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/lib43b/libDNSServer.a
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/liba61/Update/Updater.cpp.o
Archiving /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/liba61/libUpdate.a
Archiving /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/libFrameworkArduinoVariant.a
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/Esp.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/FunctionalInterrupt.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/HardwareSerial.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/IPAddress.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/IPv6Address.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/MD5Builder.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/Print.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/Stream.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/StreamString.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/WMath.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/WString.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/base64.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/cbuf.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-adc.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-bt.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-cpu.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-dac.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-gpio.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-i2c.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-ledc.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-matrix.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-misc.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-psram.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-rmt.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-sigmadelta.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-spi.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-time.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-timer.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-touch.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/esp32-hal-uart.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/libb64/cdecode.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/libb64/cencode.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/main.cpp.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/stdlib_noniso.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/wiring_pulse.c.o
Compiling /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/FrameworkArduino/wiring_shift.c.o
Archiving /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/libFrameworkArduino.a
Linking /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/firmware.elf
Building /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/firmware.bin
Retrieving maximum program size /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/firmware.elf
Checking size /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/firmware.elf
RAM:   [=         ]  13.2% (used 43104 bytes from 327680 bytes)
Flash: [=====     ]  48.8% (used 894714 bytes from 1835008 bytes)
======================== [SUCCESS] Took 224.92 seconds ========================
INFO Successfully compiled program.
INFO Running:  platformio run -d /config/esphome/esp32test -t upload --upload-port /dev/ttyUSB0
Processing esp32test (board: nodemcu-32s; framework: arduino; platform: platformio/[email protected])
HARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash
 - framework-arduinoespressif32 3.10004.210126 (1.0.4) 
 - tool-esptoolpy 1.30000.201119 (3.0.0) 
 - tool-mkspiffs 2.230.0 (2.30) 
 - toolchain-xtensa32 2.50200.97 (5.2.0)
Library Manager: Installing Hash
Library Manager: Already installed, built-in library
Dependency Graph
|-- <AsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.2
|-- <FS> 1.0
|-- <ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome> 1.2.7
|   |-- <AsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.2
|   |-- <FS> 1.0
|   |-- <WiFi> 1.0
|-- <ESPmDNS> 1.0
|   |-- <WiFi> 1.0
|-- <Wire> 1.0.1
|-- <DNSServer> 1.1.0
|   |-- <WiFi> 1.0
|-- <Update> 1.0
|-- <WiFi> 1.0
Retrieving maximum program size /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/firmware.elf
Checking size /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/firmware.elf
RAM:   [=         ]  13.2% (used 43104 bytes from 327680 bytes)
Flash: [=====     ]  48.8% (used 894714 bytes from 1835008 bytes)
Configuring upload protocol...
AVAILABLE: esp-prog, espota, esptool, iot-bus-jtag, jlink, minimodule, olimex-arm-usb-ocd, olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h, olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h, olimex-jtag-tiny, tumpa
CURRENT: upload_protocol = esptool
Looking for upload port...
Use manually specified: /dev/ttyUSB0
Uploading /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/firmware.bin
Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
Chip is ESP32-D0WDQ6 (revision 1)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 9c:9c:1f:c7:89:58
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Configuring flash size...

A fatal error occurred: Timed out waiting for packet header
*** [upload] Error 2
========================= [FAILED] Took 13.58 seconds =========================

Still the same error I had yesterday all day.

It uploads when the sensor is NOT hooked on the board but as soon as i hook the sensor on it it doesnt boot anymore.

Here is the result when sensor NOT hooked on the esp wroom 32 while uploading:

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/test.yaml...
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Compiling app...
INFO Running:  platformio run -d /config/esphome/esp32test
Processing esp32test (board: nodemcu-32s; framework: arduino; platform: platformio/[email protected])
HARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash
 - framework-arduinoespressif32 3.10004.210126 (1.0.4) 
 - tool-esptoolpy 1.30000.201119 (3.0.0) 
 - toolchain-xtensa32 2.50200.97 (5.2.0)
Library Manager: Installing Hash
Library Manager: Already installed, built-in library
Dependency Graph
|-- <AsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.2
|-- <FS> 1.0
|-- <ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome> 1.2.7
|   |-- <AsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.2
|   |-- <FS> 1.0
|   |-- <WiFi> 1.0
|-- <ESPmDNS> 1.0
|   |-- <WiFi> 1.0
|-- <Wire> 1.0.1
|-- <DNSServer> 1.1.0
|   |-- <WiFi> 1.0
|-- <Update> 1.0
|-- <WiFi> 1.0
Retrieving maximum program size /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/firmware.elf
Checking size /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/firmware.elf
RAM:   [=         ]  13.2% (used 43104 bytes from 327680 bytes)
Flash: [=====     ]  48.8% (used 894714 bytes from 1835008 bytes)
========================= [SUCCESS] Took 6.73 seconds =========================
INFO Successfully compiled program.
INFO Running:  platformio run -d /config/esphome/esp32test -t upload --upload-port /dev/ttyUSB0
Processing esp32test (board: nodemcu-32s; framework: arduino; platform: platformio/[email protected])
HARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash
 - framework-arduinoespressif32 3.10004.210126 (1.0.4) 
 - tool-esptoolpy 1.30000.201119 (3.0.0) 
 - tool-mkspiffs 2.230.0 (2.30) 
 - toolchain-xtensa32 2.50200.97 (5.2.0)
Library Manager: Installing Hash
Library Manager: Already installed, built-in library
Dependency Graph
|-- <AsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.2
|-- <FS> 1.0
|-- <ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome> 1.2.7
|   |-- <AsyncTCP-esphome> 1.2.2
|   |-- <FS> 1.0
|   |-- <WiFi> 1.0
|-- <ESPmDNS> 1.0
|   |-- <WiFi> 1.0
|-- <Wire> 1.0.1
|-- <DNSServer> 1.1.0
|   |-- <WiFi> 1.0
|-- <Update> 1.0
|-- <WiFi> 1.0
Retrieving maximum program size /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/firmware.elf
Checking size /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/firmware.elf
RAM:   [=         ]  13.2% (used 43104 bytes from 327680 bytes)
Flash: [=====     ]  48.8% (used 894714 bytes from 1835008 bytes)
Configuring upload protocol...
AVAILABLE: esp-prog, espota, esptool, iot-bus-jtag, jlink, minimodule, olimex-arm-usb-ocd, olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h, olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h, olimex-jtag-tiny, tumpa
CURRENT: upload_protocol = esptool
Looking for upload port...
Use manually specified: /dev/ttyUSB0
Uploading /data/esp32test/.pioenvs/esp32test/firmware.bin
Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
Chip is ESP32-D0WDQ6 (revision 1)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 9c:9c:1f:c7:89:58
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Compressed 15872 bytes to 10319...
Writing at 0x00001000... (100 %)
Wrote 15872 bytes (10319 compressed) at 0x00001000 in 0.9 seconds (effective 136.5 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 3072 bytes to 144...
Writing at 0x00008000... (100 %)
Wrote 3072 bytes (144 compressed) at 0x00008000 in 0.0 seconds (effective 969.8 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 8192 bytes to 47...
Writing at 0x0000e000... (100 %)
Wrote 8192 bytes (47 compressed) at 0x0000e000 in 0.0 seconds (effective 4045.3 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 894832 bytes to 498843...
Writing at 0x00010000... (3 %)
Writing at 0x00014000... (6 %)
Writing at 0x00018000... (9 %)
Writing at 0x0001c000... (12 %)
Writing at 0x00020000... (16 %)
Writing at 0x00024000... (19 %)
Writing at 0x00028000... (22 %)
Writing at 0x0002c000... (25 %)
Writing at 0x00030000... (29 %)
Writing at 0x00034000... (32 %)
Writing at 0x00038000... (35 %)
Writing at 0x0003c000... (38 %)
Writing at 0x00040000... (41 %)
Writing at 0x00044000... (45 %)
Writing at 0x00048000... (48 %)
Writing at 0x0004c000... (51 %)
Writing at 0x00050000... (54 %)
Writing at 0x00054000... (58 %)
Writing at 0x00058000... (61 %)
Writing at 0x0005c000... (64 %)
Writing at 0x00060000... (67 %)
Writing at 0x00064000... (70 %)
Writing at 0x00068000... (74 %)
Writing at 0x0006c000... (77 %)
Writing at 0x00070000... (80 %)
Writing at 0x00074000... (83 %)
Writing at 0x00078000... (87 %)
Writing at 0x0007c000... (90 %)
Writing at 0x00080000... (93 %)
Writing at 0x00084000... (96 %)
Writing at 0x00088000... (100 %)
Wrote 894832 bytes (498843 compressed) at 0x00010000 in 44.5 seconds (effective 160.7 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.

Hard resetting via RTS pin...
========================= [SUCCESS] Took 56.98 seconds =========================
INFO Successfully uploaded program.
INFO Starting log output from /dev/ttyUSB0 with baud rate 115200
[19:05:51][I][logger:170]: Log initialized
[19:05:51][C][ota:366]: There have been 1 suspected unsuccessful boot attempts.
[19:05:51][I][app:029]: Running through setup()...
[19:05:51][C][sht3xd:019]: Setting up SHT3xD...
[19:05:51][W][i2c:070]: Received NACK on transmit of address 0x44
[19:05:51][E][component:092]: Component was marked as failed.
[19:05:51][C][wifi:033]: Setting up WiFi...
[19:05:51][D][wifi:324]: Starting scan...
[19:05:52][D][wifi:339]: Found networks:
[19:05:52][I][wifi:385]: - 'Netgear_dd' [redacted]▂▄▆█
[19:05:52][D][wifi:386]:     Channel: 6
[19:05:52][D][wifi:387]:     RSSI: -42 dB
[19:05:52][D][wifi:389]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[19:05:52][D][wifi:389]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[19:05:52][D][wifi:389]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[19:05:52][D][wifi:389]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[19:05:52][D][wifi:389]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[19:05:53][D][wifi:389]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[19:05:53][D][wifi:389]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[19:05:53][D][wifi:389]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[19:05:53][D][wifi:389]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[19:05:53][D][wifi:389]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[19:05:53][D][wifi:389]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[19:05:53][I][wifi:194]: WiFi Connecting to 'Netgear_dd'...
[19:05:54][I][wifi:457]: WiFi Connected!
[19:05:54][C][wifi:303]:   SSID: [redacted]
[19:05:54][C][wifi:304]:   IP Address:
[19:05:54][C][wifi:306]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[19:05:54][C][wifi:307]:   Hostname: 'esp32test'
[19:05:54][C][wifi:311]:   Signal strength: -39 dB@▂▄▆█
[19:05:54][C][wifi:315]:   Channel: 6
[19:05:54][C][wifi:316]:   Subnet:
[19:05:54][C][wifi:317]:   Gateway:
[19:05:54][C][wifi:318]:   DNS1:
[19:05:54][C][wifi:319]:   DNS2:
[19:05:54][D][wifi:466]: Disabling AP...
[19:05:54][C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[19:05:54][C][ota:030]:   Address: esp32test.local:3232
[19:05:54][C][ota:032]:   Using Password.
[19:05:54][C][api:022]: Setting up Home Assistant API server...
[19:05:54][I][app:059]: setup() finished successfully!
[19:05:54][I][app:105]: ESPHome version 1.18.0 compiled on May 22 2021, 18:56:50
[19:05:54][C][wifi:443]: WiFi:
[19:05:54][C][wifi:303]:   SSID: [redacted]
[19:05:54][C][wifi:304]:   IP Address:
[19:05:54][C][wifi:306]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[19:05:54][C][wifi:307]:   Hostname: 'esp32test'
[19:05:54][C][wifi:311]:   Signal strength: -40 dB ▂▄▆█
[19:05:54][C][wifi:315]:   Channel: 6
[19:05:54][C][wifi:316]:   Subnet:
[19:05:54][C][wifi:317]:   Gateway:
[19:05:54][C][wifi:318]:   DNS1:
[19:05:54][C][wifi:319]:   DNS2:
[19:05:54][C][i2c:028]: I2C Bus:
[19:05:54][C][i2c:029]:   SDA Pin: GPIO21
[19:05:54][C][i2c:030]:   SCL Pin: GPIO22
[19:05:54][C][i2c:031]:   Frequency: 50000 Hz
[19:05:54][C][logger:189]: Logger:
[19:05:54][C][logger:190]:   Level: DEBUG
[19:05:54][C][logger:191]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[19:05:54][C][logger:192]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[19:05:54][C][sht3xd:034]: SHT3xD:
[19:05:54][C][sht3xd:035]:   Address: 0x44
[19:05:54][E][sht3xd:037]: Communication with SHT3xD failed!
[19:05:54][C][sht3xd:039]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[19:05:54][C][sht3xd:041]:   Temperature 'zone1 soil  Temperature'
[19:05:54][C][sht3xd:041]:     Device Class: 'temperature'
[19:05:54][C][sht3xd:041]:     Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[19:05:54][C][sht3xd:041]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[19:05:54][C][sht3xd:042]:   Humidity 'zone1 soil Humidity'
[19:05:54][C][sht3xd:042]:     Device Class: 'humidity'
[19:05:54][C][sht3xd:042]:     Unit of Measurement: '%'
[19:05:54][C][sht3xd:042]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[19:05:54][C][captive_portal:169]: Captive Portal:
[19:05:54][C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[19:05:54][C][ota:030]:   Address: esp32test.local:3232
[19:05:54][C][ota:032]:   Using Password.
[19:05:54][C][api:095]: API Server:
[19:05:54][C][api:096]:   Address: esp32test.local:6053

So i think its the code that is wrong, maybe the wrong type of sensor? I don’t know I’m kinda out of ideas now…

No you did not. You provided the esphomeflasher log.

Using esphome is two steps. Compiling the firmware, and uploading it to the device. Esphomeflasher only does the second part, the uploading.

I am not angry, but perhaps a little frustrated.

I thought I did before, sorry for that! My bad.
I did, although provide it in the previous (last post)
if you feel like it, can you take a look?
I would really appreciate it i am really trying hard to provide all that you ask, i am learning here, please forgive me.


here is the log from esphomeflasher using the compiled & exported bin from esphome with the sensor pluged in the espwroom 32.

here is a photo of my esp wroom 32 with sensor plugged in:

here is the sensor in question:

I am so pissed right now, this is so frustrating.

Have you tried @birchman 's wiring change?

I get this error when i try to erase using

Fabiens-Mac-Pro:~ fabiendostie$ erase_flash v2.8
Found 2 serial ports
Serial port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
Detecting chip type... ESP32
Chip is ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision 1)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 9c:9c:1f:c7:89:58
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Erasing flash (this may take a while)...

A fatal error occurred: Timed out waiting for packet header

i need help

I tried with a esp8266 and another esp wroom 32, same shit. (talking about the .bin installing only when no sensors hooked on but not booting when on…)

yes of course, i tried. same results.
everything I wrote after, was done with @birchman suggestion. as it is hooked on the picture, that is why i posted that photo, to confirm that
1: (think) I did !
2: get validation from you guys that the pins I am using are in fact 21 and 22, to make sure my reference pinout is okay for the esp Wroom-32!

thanks again for all the time you take for me.

Actually without knowing what board it is and seeing a pinout, it is pretty hard to tell anything from your photo.

Most development boards have the pins marked, but some you need to find it on the net.

of course we know what board it is, it’s the ESP-Wroom-32s! It’s been mention quite a few times in this thread I am sure of that
I ask about the pinout because the theres nothing written for pin number on these esp wroom 32s, there was a loose piece of sticker paper with a pinout printed on it but how do i know which side it is supposed to be oriented… it was just loose in the plastic bag, same for both boards from that specific company.
plus it does not fit with most pinouts i’ve seen on the web for the esp wroom 32 s:
NodeMCU esp32s

there you go, thats all the info i’ve got. hope you can find something to help me with that

thank you so much for this!

That means nothing. Manufacturers use any old label for these things, and when I google that term at least three different boards come up, not even all of them have the same number of pins.

Anyway, with your pictures it looks like the yellow (SCL) is on the second pin from the end, which GPIO23 not GPIO21 or GPIO22. Green (SDA) is on the fifth pin which is RX.

I was following the most common pinouts for the esp wroom 32 from the internet, there seems to be consensus on these two pins for SDA and SDL.
I am just trying anything i can find to have this thing finally work.

how do you know which side to read the pinout though ? I mean since the sticker could be placed in 2 directions making the pins completely different on each possible direction…
this is really stupid from the manufacturer… is there any tricks to find out the pins?

I’ve contacted the seller and he just replied to me.
he sent me the pinout!!! i’m going to try now that I have this REALLY IMPORTANT information about the board…

ill let you guys know


here it is if anyone’s interested:

As it should.

yes, he also should already provide the pinouts to customers without them having to ask for it.
this is so stupid on their part!
thanks for the help man!
good night

You are not the only person had trouble with the 38 pin version this week. HiLetgo ESP32 *with 38 pins* which board to use?

Great that you found the error.


You know what ? I will return this board and buy another one. Anyway, thank you very much

I complained to the seller about this, he already put the pinout on the amazon page, which is the least he can do…