Hide devices found by Unfi Integration

I’ve dug and dug but I haven’t found the answer to this.

I’ve set up the Unifi integration and all devices on the controller are being created as device_tracker entities and displayed in the front end. But now that they aren’t added to known_devices.yaml how do I get rid of the ones I don’t want to track to make them disappear from the front end like the old track:false value?


Same man buggin the crap outta me too

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I thought I was crazy, this is driving me nuts.


Lol. Glad I’m not the only one!


Cool, I was just about to submit a bug and wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something first. Seems like a bug (oversight) more than a how to question.

Edit: Here’s the bug if you want to show that it’s affecting multiple users.

Same problem here.

Wondering this as well!

Same problem.

same issue here, integration also overwrite my device tracker for the iphone and now device tracked automation are not working … :triumph:

same problem

same here aswell!
There has also been created some switches for NON POE devices and some of my POE devices doesnt have switches…

There used to be a way to do this, but the new version of this component in 0.97 apparently has this behavior, and the option to not track new items by default doesn’t seem to be available.

i have the same problem

Is the ssid_filter working for people?

Also just ran into this. Is the preferred way to handle this to now use the “person” component ? Long time hass user here, but I just found out about the person component when trying to figure out how to handle this update.

So maybe leave all devices tracked (since you can’t configure it) and just assign specific device trackers to a person ? Then use the person component for presence detection instead of device trackers.

Yes, the new way is just to use person and add the device(s) you want tracked for that person. However, there is a discussion going on at Github (referenced above) as for most of us who use this for tracking don’t find having an entry for all of our connected devices useful. I have no need to have 100 devices that are not used for tracking cluttering up my entity registry… hopefully this will be changed in the future to find a way to deal with this…


Would be useful to decide which entities to be shown up in the UI
Otherwise this feature is useless for the most of us I think

I am having same … total pain, anyone got a resolution ?

Hi there.

New to Homeassistant. But found out today that you kan hide tracked devices in the customize.yaml like:

  hidden: true

I added this to configuration.yaml:

  customize: !include customize.yaml

Dont know if the devices is still tracked and data logged but just hidden!
Havent had time to test.

Still tracked, it’s just hides it in the old UI, not lovelace unfortunately😕 no solution to this until the community and the developers behind the integration find a way to solve this. It’s a big task because there are no standards for exclude/include in the new configuration flow/UI method.

Everyone should have a look or join the GitHub issue mentioned above where we can have a dialog with the community and the developers about how to move forward not just for the standard of this integration but all others that may need an include/exclude feature