Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

Yes, the log fie works correctly

When I open the door, on mqtt broker logs I see this

Then it should Work ;+)

Fabio I did the test, it took around 10 seconds from me pressing the door bell button and the event showing up in your add-on logs with the video_intercom_alarm event. this will happen very often but sometimes the event comes very fast.

I also set it up so when I press the unlock door button from the Hikconnect app it takes a while to open my garage door. (I setup an automation to open the garage door when the door 1 state changes to ON so I can open the garage without switching apps.)

After reinstall mqtt broker, now the configuration works

Dear Fabio,

I’ve completed this project.
And I wrote a nice step by step guide what I managed to achieve.
You can have a look to remember here.

However, my connection to the doorbell with HA was through a wireless link.
I had problems so I gave up as I had no time.

Meanwhile HA was updated to several versions …etc etc etc

Today, after almost a year I managed to restore the wireless link.
But the stream is not working anymore!

Logger: homeassistant.components.stream.stream.camera.front_gate_live_stream
Source: components/stream/__init__.py:431
Integration: Stream (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 17:41:53 (16 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:54:24

Error from stream worker: Error opening stream (HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, Server returned 401 Unauthorized (authorization failed)) rtsp://****:****@

I reckon this has to do with the versions which got updated and something is not supported anymore.
Because the password is correct and I can connect to the camera through my IVMS-4200

here is my ffmpeg code for the camera stream

  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: Front Gate
    input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/Streaming/channels/101"

Can you please advise??? Why can’t connect anymore ???

That’s not related to my addon, but indeed an issue in the http rest sensor integration if I believe… There was an issue on it in GitHub core… But I have no idea about the status, I don’t use that

Found it…

as always you are a star!!
But is there a solution ?? or the camera can’t be added anymore ??

It seems I’ve stayed back.
You made an add-on which i didn’t know until now.

So where to find it to solve the camera and door lock problem ?

My addon does provide indeed all started and buttons, but no rtsp stream, you can use the camera integration for that

I’m installing the docker image now on a QNAP station. Will get back to you

I built the image but the container doesn’t start

under logs I getr the following error

loop[2] find 2 mac and 0 ip
2023-12-05 19:03:12.570 | WARNING  | event:start:266 - No handler defined!

What I missed ??

I think you are missing the mqtt stuff


I managed to build the image and everything is working again. :slight_smile:
I’ve installed your add-on an external container (qnap) and through MQQT I get the following sensors:


This is so cool!
I’ve also managed to solve the camera stream as I added it to HA through Frigate integration.
It also works very nice. Connection is stable and without problems. (even through a wireless link)

The only problem I can see at the moment is that call-state sensor gives wrong state.
Actually it’s on the rining state all the time …


This is such a shame as I can’t make any automations
Unless if there is a solution for this ?? Have you seen it before @pergola.fabio ???

Hi, on first start of the addon, it’s downloading s huge backlog, give it some hours, it’s clearing all past events… Once done, you are good!!

I wish is just that. A bunch of events.
However since last night the state is still at “ringing”.


It’s on that state for almost 9 hours … Are you sure that I will be good ??? :slight_smile:

Maybe its time to restart the docker? :slight_smile:

What happens if you press the doorbell? Do you see the new event coming in? Maybe it will change to idle

After restart of docker it works as it should.
I will have an eye on it and get back to you.

thank you