Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

Thank you for your help. This could be it.

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No problem, it’s normal on first start of addon, it just downloads the past events, give it a while :slight_smile:

Hi, folks. I’m using Scrypted to export my doorbell to HomeKit. With Scrypted I can create group devices and build a complete doorbell.

To trigger this doorbell I need to use this link http://192.168.2.XX:11080/endpoint/48/public/ . Just open this page do the doorbell ring at HomeKit.

How can I create an automation on Home Assistant to detect when Call State changes to ringing and “open” this web page? Just a quickly check on this page is enough to ring the doorbell.

Feature request: is possible to export the Door switch as a locker to HA? When it’s showed as a locker on HomeKit and there’s some security features, different from a normal Switch


- id: '1673096613300'
  alias: Doorbell press trigger
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.hikvision_callstatus
    to: 'on'
    condition: []
    - service: rest_command.scrypted_trigger_bell
      data: {}
    mode: single


    url: "http://192.168.2.XX:11080/endpoint/48/public/"
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It may not be 100% related but does someone know if

  1. it’s possible to connect gate relay to the indoor station instead of the outdoor station? My sliding gate needs 1second relay trigger to open or close. I see that my indoor station 6320 does have COM1 and NOC1, is it possible to use that for gate open?
  2. it is possible to use the SDK to trigger the door open/close on the indoor station?

Hey, I already had a look to trigger the relays from indoor, but was not able Todo it, I don’t see any events on those :frowning:

@VCTGomes you can just change the type of the entity to lock if you want

Can you tell me more about scrypted? That’s new to me? I had a quick look, and seems it also support Google Home? Is it creating an camera entity that you expose? How does it integrate with HA? Can you indeed use twoway audio on Google hubs ? Cause there was already implementation in scrypted for ISAPi audio, right?


I use Scrypted Add-on to Home Assistant. It works with Alexa over Cloud and it says compatible with Google Home too, but I never used this way. It also include the doorbell ring.

I can use two-way audio. It works well in the most part of the time.

Unfortunately it doesn’t show up directly on HA, but I think you can integrate on HA using HomeKit plugin to show up as a HomeKit doorbell.

To connect Doorbell I’m using Hikvision plugin on Scrypted with Rebroadcast (keeping a pre-buffer) with Snapshots, Alexa, Cloud and HomeKit plugin.

To detect the doorbell button I created a script (some friend edited it) that generate that link above and then I create a device grouping with Hikvision doorbell and the link button. An automation on HA will trigger this link and make the doorbell ring!

class WebhookExample implements HttpRequestHandler {
    timeout: any;

    async onRequest(request: HttpRequest, response: HttpResponse) {
        device.binaryState = true;
        // reset the motion sensor after 10 seconds.
        this.timeout = setTimeout(() => device.binaryState = false, 10000);


    .then(endpoint => console.log('motion webhook:', endpoint));

export default WebhookExample;


One question before i come to my problem.

Do your Doorbell have only one button ? And can i run the doorbell only with a indoor station ?

I bought a doorbell at metzler.de, they are using HIKVISION. My doorbell have 2 buttons, one of them is working fine with the indoor station, for the other one i would like to use my Pad where i am running my HA Dashboard. With the Addon Hikvision Doorbell (Beta) i can see the call state and all other entities. I am using the rtsp Link to show the picture at the dashboard.

The thing is, the second button don´t react or. it comes an announcement, call failed.

Have anyone a idea how i can use the HA Dashboard instead of an indoor station.

Then you need to use SIP, so you can define second call button to another sip number

Great, thnx for sharing , some stuff for later, is scrypted using ISAPi two way audio for talking, and what do you do on incoming call? You send the answer command? Because if the doorbell is in ringing state, you can’t activate two way audio

I think Scrypted use ISAPi. It has two ways to use two-way audio, one is Hikvision and another is Onvif. Only Hikvision way works with Two-way audio.

Yeah. Definitely it’s happening, so I’m using the Reject call after 5s and trigger the RESTful command

Is there any difference between Reject to Answer? As I intend to use it on HomeKit and Alexa, only a single quickly notification is enough.

Hi. Yeah. My doorbell has only one button and I don’t have indoor station yet.

Ok, makes sense, it’s indeed using ISAPi two way audio then… What you can do, is first sending the answer command and then immediate after the reject, that way the person at the door doesn’t hear the reject tone…

But why are you just not using SIP instead of this workaround?

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Thanks for the idea. Indeed I don’t remember about this reject audio.

I thought it’s really complicated to use.

Oh, and including, I think suddenly my doorbell is now reporting ringing status to Add-on. I was using HikConnect to do this integration before, than I noticed some differences on idle from Add-on

2023-03-19 16:28:56.185 | INFO | event:video_intercom_alarm:109 - Video intercom alarm from doorbell
2023-03-19 16:28:56.186 | INFO | mqtt:video_intercom_alarm:236 - Doorbell ringing, updating sensor
settings: mqtt=MQTT(host=‘core-mosquitto’, username=‘addons’, password=‘XXX’, client_name=None, tls_key=None, tls_certfile=None, tls_ca_cert=None, discovery_prefix=‘homeassistant’, state_prefix=‘hmd’) entity=SensorInfo(component=‘sensor’, device=DeviceInfo(name=‘doorbell’, model=‘DS-KV6113-WPE1(B)’, manufacturer=‘Hikvision’, sw_version=‘V2.2.53’, hw_version=‘0x0’, identifiers=‘xxx’, connections=None, configuration_url=None), device_class=None, enabled_by_default=None, entity_category=None, expire_after=None, force_update=None, icon=‘mdi:bell’, name=‘Call state’, object_id=‘doorbell_call_state’, qos=None, unique_id=‘XXX-call_state’, unit_of_measurement=None) debug=False manual_availability=True
topic_prefix: sensor/doorbell/Call-state
config_topic: homeassistant/sensor/doorbell/Call-state/config
state_topic: hmd/sensor/doorbell/Call-state/state
wrote_configuration: True

2023-03-19 16:29:01.864 | INFO | mqtt_input:_reject_call_callback:98 - Received reject command for doorbell: doorbell

Is this the log from a ringing doorbell?

How I’m not near by doorbell now, I can’t test it.

Yeah, i see indeed ringing, the state of the call sensors , could be idle , ringing , dismissed…

Good to hear, yesterday you didn’t see the log? Maybe you saw indeed some history backlog

I checked it yesterday too, but I didn’t see it.

Probably was download a history, it takes a while the first time

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First of all, thank you Fabio for your work.
Second, sorry for little off topic, but I am so sick and tired of hik cloud. It is not working stable, disconnects very often and the only way to tell is to check if video is still there. Or to wait untill someone throws rock at my window.

I saw linhome suggestions and TECh7Fox’s asterisk hass addon. I am bit lost in all this.
Could you please point me to right direction on leaving cloud? I’d appreciate short info that such and such config is working fine.

I have KV8113(b) plus two android tablets working as indoor station. Fabio’s integration is working fine locally with my hassio.

You can go the SIP road indeed, the asterisk addon from techfox is a good way to start, it’s completely preconfigured and working very good… You can start with just creating extension and try to learn the sip protocol, if you get to know it, then you can register your devices as extensions and make some dialplans

If I adjust sensibility on HikConnection page, will the modifications apply to Add-on motion sensor too?