Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

I don’t have sorry.

Do you see something in the log when changing arming state?

Nothing. But I have not seen the zone before. And after your next update, I saw them. Thank you.


I have a look what I can do with the arming state

hey @TokarevSergey , found something…
First of all, in your indoor mqtt device, enable the diagnostic entity , its by default disabled

After enabling it, you can use this example service, offcourse change the entity name below, mine is a 9510 …

There are 4 modes that you can use:
"atHome", "goOut", "goToBed", "custom"

service: text.set_value
  value: >-
    PUT /ISAPI/VideoIntercom/scene/nowMode
  entity_id: text.ds_kh9510_isapi_request

in my case it works, i can set the 4 modes …

if it works also, i can maybe create extra buttons, instead of using the diagnostics

So what exactly is this script doing? Sending to asterisk or to the door station? is the asterisk address is this my doorbell address? I do not have an indoor station.
I suppose XXX is the password of account 10000000005 in asterisk
I have no idea what the value of “–name” should be.

I have managed to run this, but I still get errors.

The script is just setting up an register attempt on your indoor extension, so that your indoor “believes” that you have a second indoor extension… There is a special XML included in the register packet…

Once registered, on incoming call to that extension, you can intercept it, and forward the call to asterisk, from there you can do what you want, forward the call to HA or softphone…

The name is just a name of the extension, can be anything you want

You are correct on IP , but it’s important that the script is running on same IP address as the asterisk, the script runs on port 5061, asterisk needs to be running on port 5060, the incoming invite is hard coded to 5060

Cool I’ll try it now

If it works, I can make extra buttons to change scenes

Enabled. I entered everything in the goOut window, everything was gone, I’ll reinstall everything at home.
I should enter into this window
service: text.set_value
value: >-
PUT /ISAPI/VideoIntercom/scene/nowMode
entity_id: text.ds_kh9510_isapi_request

You need to refresh after you enable that entity, it’s aqvaible after 30 sec or after reboot…

The text, is a service, you need to do it with the developers tools

see here example:

If scenes are working on your indoor, try also these commands below as a value, for me they dont work, i get a “device not supported” in the log, maybe it works for your device:

PUT /ISAPI/SecurityCP/control/arm/1?ways=stay&format=json
PUT /ISAPI/SecurityCP/control/arm/1?ways=away&format=json
PUT /ISAPI/SecurityCP/control/disarm/1?format=json

So it works for me COOL DS-KV6113 WORKS THANKS

i am adding it to next beta :slight_smile:

can you also try these?

PUT /ISAPI/SecurityCP/control/arm/1?ways=stay&format=json
PUT /ISAPI/SecurityCP/control/arm/1?ways=away&format=json
PUT /ISAPI/SecurityCP/control/disarm/1?format=json


PUT /ISAPI/SecurityCP/control/arm?format=json
PUT /ISAPI/SecurityCP/control/disarm?format=json

What are they doing?

in my hikconnect i can select 4 scenes, but at the bottom there is also an “arm/disarm” button, not sure what it does? maybe arming an alarm panel, but i dont have it, cant test it , i have not supported message

My journal
“atHome”, “goOut”, “goToBed”, “custom”

My journal.

PUT /ISAPI/SecurityCP/control/arm/1?ways=stay&format=json

The rest of the commands do not work as it pops up

You have to delete devices and reconfigure.