Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

The 8003 needs an indoor station , that why you have “calling failed” , so make sure your indoor device rings… Otherwise the addon is not able to get the ringing event…if you dont have an indoor, you need to work with sip

Thanks for the fast reply. I don’t have an indoor as I am fully relying on HA and wall-mounted tablets. If I want to follow the SIP way, do you have any quick pointings to where to look / start ? Thanks in advance for your time

here is a good start, asterisk as addon

they also have a wiki : SIP-HASS · SIP for Home Assistant

On top of the point above about where to start with SIP… would it be any good in reverting to an older FW ? ( I checked the previous thread where the custom 2.2.45 is not available anymore in Dropbox)

its not related to firmware, the latest one is stable
The 8003 were never designed to run without an indoor station, there are other models that were designed for standalone, but not the 8003

For best SIP, you need the latest fw anyway

It seems to work partially. The outdoor station popped up OK. No indoor units although both show on the log as connected successfully. Rebooting HA seems to do the job and now I have 3 working stations.


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Still one problem at this moment. Did not check all functions.
The door open switch is unavailable.

What device do you have? Can you enable debug and create an issue on GitHub , so I can have a look?

The addon tries to trigger some Isapi commands to retrieve the relays, maybe your device is different

I have the same as yours (8003) with firmware version 2.2.56. Meanwhile I have found something interesting.
I have 2 panels, one is wired and the other is WiFi. From some reason the Wifi one falls asleep from time to time (it is a bug from Hikvision as it was replaced).
Once it is in my setup and is in sleep mode (no ping) all sensors fall the add-on stops running.
Once I have removed it (I get some errors while doing it but managed to bypass this), it is all working OK at this point.
One thing I am missing is the door status (open or close). My outdoor unit is all metal so Zigbee, WiFi etc. so such devices like Shelly devices or others might not work as a door status.
I think getting it from Hik-Connect will work but I am not sure the 2 integration will co-live with one another.

Maybe you can enable watchdog on the addon, so it restarts when it stops?
Normally when you open the door with key/badge, you see the door 1/2 relay opening for 2 seconds, thats enough to start other automations:


Maybe just drop the Indoor panel from your config? Maybe you dont need it? Most usefull stuff is on your outdoor anyway

A derivative of the switch is OK only if the door gets opened deliberately. If it was left open, I see no sensor that lets me know if the it was left open. The door state is hooked using a magnetic switch to the 8003 unit input but this state is not reflected in the add-on.
The Ethernet based indoor panel if fully available an it is enough for me. It looks like endless pinging to the WiFi one keeps it alive. I can do that through my router probably.
I am working on it and later I will use the Frigate to get the video running.
As always, thanks a lot.

ahh, ok, now i understand, well the addon also sends device triggers for every kind of event, like motion, zone events, gas, but also door open event, have a look at those device triggers, you should see it in the log
I dont think there is a door closed event, only a door open, based on the IO pins

I will check. This means I can’t figure out if the door was left open.

yeah, i dont know why that event is not triggered bu the device , its also not an option in ivms …

But if you scroll up, there was someone here who reverted this method

Here is the workaround for that event:

Looks good. I will try after other stuff will work. Door open is now OK although I do not see and change in the switch status. Door announcement is OK.

No, door open event is not visible in the door switch,

The switch only triggers when you open door with key/badge

By key you mean a keyboard code?

Yes, on the code pad