Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

Btw, the new webrtc card now also have microphone capabilities, but the frigate card is nicer, cause of the extra elements and buttons, more customizing

Indeed, you are correct.
However, prior to installing your solution, I was using web2rtc, which for some reason automatically took control of all of my cameras and eliminated all of the delays.

All of the regular camera entities are delayed after installing our solution, with the exception of the one I inserted to FRIGATE: confused: ?
{updated} - Also Frigate is delayed :/… i think it is not utilizing the go2rtc … im confused …

why is it like that … ?

Question 2 - is it hard to implement the PR?

by the way the scrypted is nice but yet again it is not fix the delay of disconnect the ring …
Unfortunately, it takes too long for someone to hear the voice—consider it. After one second, the app opens, the ring sounds, two to three seconds pass, the response sounds, one second passes, the rejection sound, and the voice prompt begins.
I wish it moved considerably more quickly. but i think it is Hikvision design which is sucks.

you dont have iphone but it seems like homekit works nice with the detection on the cameras since there no other solution that natively works with the Camera HW detection… So frigate does it nice but it get to homekit very slow… :confused: not sure why

i would wait for the next frigate card :slight_smile:
Normally if you setup go2rtc correctly, there should be no delay at all

Yes, the log fie works correctly

When I open the door, on mqtt broker logs I see this

Then it should Work ;+)

Fabio I did the test, it took around 10 seconds from me pressing the door bell button and the event showing up in your add-on logs with the video_intercom_alarm event. this will happen very often but sometimes the event comes very fast.

I also set it up so when I press the unlock door button from the Hikconnect app it takes a while to open my garage door. (I setup an automation to open the garage door when the door 1 state changes to ON so I can open the garage without switching apps.)

After reinstall mqtt broker, now the configuration works

Dear Fabio,

I’ve completed this project.
And I wrote a nice step by step guide what I managed to achieve.
You can have a look to remember here.

However, my connection to the doorbell with HA was through a wireless link.
I had problems so I gave up as I had no time.

Meanwhile HA was updated to several versions …etc etc etc

Today, after almost a year I managed to restore the wireless link.
But the stream is not working anymore!

Logger: homeassistant.components.stream.stream.camera.front_gate_live_stream
Source: components/stream/__init__.py:431
Integration: Stream (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 17:41:53 (16 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:54:24

Error from stream worker: Error opening stream (HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, Server returned 401 Unauthorized (authorization failed)) rtsp://****:****@

I reckon this has to do with the versions which got updated and something is not supported anymore.
Because the password is correct and I can connect to the camera through my IVMS-4200

here is my ffmpeg code for the camera stream

  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: Front Gate
    input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/Streaming/channels/101"

Can you please advise??? Why can’t connect anymore ???

That’s not related to my addon, but indeed an issue in the http rest sensor integration if I believe… There was an issue on it in GitHub core… But I have no idea about the status, I don’t use that

Found it…

as always you are a star!!
But is there a solution ?? or the camera can’t be added anymore ??

It seems I’ve stayed back.
You made an add-on which i didn’t know until now.

So where to find it to solve the camera and door lock problem ?

My addon does provide indeed all started and buttons, but no rtsp stream, you can use the camera integration for that

I’m installing the docker image now on a QNAP station. Will get back to you

I built the image but the container doesn’t start

under logs I getr the following error

loop[2] find 2 mac and 0 ip
2023-12-05 19:03:12.570 | WARNING  | event:start:266 - No handler defined!

What I missed ??

I think you are missing the mqtt stuff


I managed to build the image and everything is working again. :slight_smile:
I’ve installed your add-on an external container (qnap) and through MQQT I get the following sensors:


This is so cool!
I’ve also managed to solve the camera stream as I added it to HA through Frigate integration.
It also works very nice. Connection is stable and without problems. (even through a wireless link)

The only problem I can see at the moment is that call-state sensor gives wrong state.
Actually it’s on the rining state all the time …


This is such a shame as I can’t make any automations
Unless if there is a solution for this ?? Have you seen it before @pergola.fabio ???

Hi, on first start of the addon, it’s downloading s huge backlog, give it some hours, it’s clearing all past events… Once done, you are good!!