Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

If there is no mic button, like on my screenshot, that means your go2rtc doesn’t work correctly… Remember, https is needed, and 1984 needs to be exposed

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this is super weird. Now all works.

Problem is I have my companion app installed, I think its on https and domain name, not http local ip, but I also use Tailscale, so I guess even if I am on 4G, it sees it as a local address. Need to check companion app and take out the local address (how to?) and just use https.

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the hang-up part should not be like this above?

No, it’s only unmute…
Hangup service is only needed after answer , it makes the doorbell back to idle, so you can start two way audio

Ok, I restarted mqqt service and reloaded everything.

If I go to the go2rtc stream (port 1984) in my browser, I can hear the outside noise.
So that seems to work.

I updated the lovelace card with the above fix and now I can accept or decline the call. I just can’t get the 2 way audio to work.

Thanks. I did it and it’s working again. I’m posting the syntax if somebody have such an issue:

alias: Facerecognition XXX
description: ""
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: hmd/device_automation/FrontDoor/major_event-minor_face_verify_pass/state
    payload: "{\"employee_id\": 3}"
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unmute or mute?

            - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
              icon: mdi:phone-hangup
                - action: custom:frigate-card-action
                  frigate_card_action: microphone_mute

Ow , that’s maybe indeed an error:-)

Edit: you are confusing me!! The code is correct , the hangup button needs to mute!

Hi Fabio,
i need to know why my door station DS-KV8113-WME1(B)0120210419RRF87422782, V2.2.53build 220816 doesn’t change status call during press button? I use this command:

curl -i --digest -u admin:xxxxxxxx

Cause that’s the wrong command, have a look at first post again :slight_smile:

Hello there people,
now i have the DS-KV9503-WBE1 (outdoor) with the indoor (DS-KH6350-WTE) and the latest iVMS on Win PC.

i can open the door, thanx again for the curl command from the first post!!!
But i cant see changing the callStatus with your command. i only always recieve “idle”.
Could it be possible, that i cant get the callSignal change when i use the indoor station or iVMS or Hik-Connect in Android Software together? iVMS only for administration - otherwise closed.

So if you receive the call on indoor/hikvonnect, the status is still “idle”? what command are you using?

In the last addon version, i added an “call status” button, that button uses the callstatus from the indoor, i think that will represent the correct status

Just add your indoor station too in the config

Hello Fabio!
I use this:

curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx http://192.168.0.x/ISAPI/VideoIntercom/callStatus?format=json

from the outdoor station i get always idle - even if indoor and hik app show me a call.
how can i grab the callStatus from the indoor station?
Same command with IP from indoor station do not work.

indeed, indoor devices block port 80 , you cant use curl on those…
You need to use my addon, that sends the command trough the SDK

Hello, I’ve been reading the many pages of this integration and took enough away to get it mostly working. I have a Hikvision KD-DS8003 outdoor station (firmware v2.2.62) and a Hikvision DS-KH6320 indoor station (firmware v2.2.20). I am using the Hikvision Doorbell add-on and also using Frigate add-on and the HACS integration for the 2 way audio card. I have everything configured and mostly working.

If I don’t manually ring the doorbell, I get 2 way audio through the Frigate card which is excellent. However, if the doorbell is used to ring the indoor station I lose 2 way audio as the speaker in the KD-DS8000 is no longer active - even if I reject the call using the Hikvision add-on to the DS-KH6320. The only way I can get 2 way audio again is to restart the Hikvision Doorbell add-on. I don’t believe that I can use the pickup call/hangup call due to the level of firmware that I have. Any ideas?

Hey, indeed when the speaker is in use on your outdoor station by an anctually ringing, its indeed not possible to start two way audio… It needs to be in idle state

Thats why we added the reject/hangup/answer buttons
So when a call is coming in you can press:

The Reject button => rejects the call with beep tone, makes it back idle, so you can start two way audio again
The Answer + hangup button => send those 2 actions, its the same as above, but doesnt give an hangup tone on the outdoor station
It doenst really answer the call on your indoor, its somekind of fake signal

To use answer+hangup, hikconnect is mandatory, otherwhise the commands are not working, hikconnect doesnt need to ring, but needs to be configured on your indoor station

There is no need to restart the addon normally, unless its giving an error or crashed? Can you show me the logs of the reject button you tried on a incoming call? does it succeed? Does it stop the rigning?

024-01-31 15:35:40.299 | INFO | sdk.utils:loadSDK:44 - Using OS: Linux with architecture: x86_64
loop[2] find 2 mac and 0 ip
2024-01-31 15:35:40.623 | INFO | doorbell:authenticate:79 - Connected to doorbell: Front Door
2024-01-31 15:35:40.644 | INFO | doorbell:authenticate:79 - Connected to doorbell: Indoor Station
2024-01-31 15:35:40.644 | INFO | event:init:87 - Setting up event handler: Console stdout
2024-01-31 15:35:40.645 | INFO | mqtt:init:117 - Setting up event handler: MQTT
2024-01-31 15:37:39.130 | INFO | mqtt:video_intercom_alarm:369 - Doorbell ringing, updating sensor
settings: mqtt=MQTT(host=‘’, port=1883, username=‘user’, password=‘passwd’, client_name=None, tls_key=None, tls_certfile=None, tls_ca_cert=None, discovery_prefix=‘homeassistant’, state_prefix=‘hmd’) entity=SensorInfo(component=‘sensor’, device=DeviceInfo(name=‘Front Door’, model=‘DS-KD8003-IME1’, manufacturer=‘Hikvision’, sw_version=‘V2.2.62’, hw_version=‘0x0’, identifiers=‘6883457568564848514573776949484950485048485749488282695557565551515057’, connections=None, configuration_url=None), device_class=None, enabled_by_default=None, entity_category=None, expire_after=None, force_update=None, icon=‘mdi:bell’, name=‘Call state’, object_id=‘front_door_call_state’, qos=None, unique_id=‘6883457568564848514573776949484950485048485749488282695557565551515057-call_state’, unit_of_measurement=None, state_class=None) debug=False manual_availability=True
topic_prefix: sensor/Front-Door/Call-state
config_topic: homeassistant/sensor/Front-Door/Call-state/config
state_topic: hmd/sensor/Front-Door/Call-state/state
wrote_configuration: True

2024-01-31 15:37:39.141 | INFO | event:video_intercom_alarm:120 - Video intercom alarm from Front Door
2024-01-31 15:37:52.470 | INFO | mqtt_input:_reject_call_callback:308 - Received reject command for doorbell: Indoor Station
2024-01-31 15:37:53.634 | INFO | mqtt:video_intercom_alarm:372 - Call dismissed, updating sensor
settings: mqtt=MQTT(host=‘’, port=1883, username=‘user’, password=‘passwd’, client_name=None, tls_key=None, tls_certfile=None, tls_ca_cert=None, discovery_prefix=‘homeassistant’, state_prefix=‘hmd’) entity=SensorInfo(component=‘sensor’, device=DeviceInfo(name=‘Front Door’, model=‘DS-KD8003-IME1’, manufacturer=‘Hikvision’, sw_version=‘V2.2.62’, hw_version=‘0x0’, identifiers=‘6883457568564848514573776949484950485048485749488282695557565551515057’, connections=None, configuration_url=None), device_class=None, enabled_by_default=None, entity_category=None, expire_after=None, force_update=None, icon=‘mdi:bell’, name=‘Call state’, object_id=‘front_door_call_state’, qos=None, unique_id=‘6883457568564848514573776949484950485048485749488282695557565551515057-call_state’, unit_of_measurement=None, state_class=None) debug=False manual_availability=True
topic_prefix: sensor/Front-Door/Call-state
config_topic: homeassistant/sensor/Front-Door/Call-state/config
state_topic: hmd/sensor/Front-Door/Call-state/state
wrote_configuration: True

2024-01-31 15:37:53.635 | INFO | event:video_intercom_alarm:120 - Video intercom alarm from Front Door

So I get this and the reject call works and the indoor station stops ringing and the doorbell state returns to idle. However the speaker in the outdoor station stops working.

If I go the answer, hangup route with Hikconnect active, I get the following (but this still doesn’t activate the doorbell speak for 2 way audio: