Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

You mentioned that you had this working with a Frigate Beta card and gotortc direct? Do you have a high level config that I could try? Thanks!

no, you need to take the PR for from the frigate card directly, since its not released yet, but its the same behaviour, i see same issue as you
gonna create an issue thread on hass card, alltough not sure if its related to the hass card :frowning:

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Nice work, I’m sure it’s a simple fix. Can’t believe others using this haven’t got the problem also?!?

hmm, normally you only accept the call once, and then probably browse away the page, so you dont notice it

maybe a quick and dirty solution is todo a refresh service after you press the hangup button?

  service: browser_mod.refresh
  data: {}
  device_id: f0411553eaaec613f3d90058cb251789

So this is strange and maybe a co-incidence, I just noticed an update for the Frigate integration - so I updated and it changed my Microphone icon and now it doesn’t work any longer. ???

Not sure, I don’t use the frigate add-on/integration…

Did you also update the frigate add-on to version 13?

As for the audio issue, can you try setting always_connected to true??

Ignore that, I was using HTTP - there was an update to Frigate but it didn’t fix the issue we are having.

I already have that setting enabled!

Also, FYI - I tried earlier versions of the card back to the earliest but I could not find a breaking change!

I’m on version 13 (full access).

Well, maybe it never worked anyway, and I didn’t notice untill now… I think the best approach for now is to use the refresh service

For testing, there is also the webrtc card, it also supports now two way audio… can you test it? That way we can rule out the frigate…

EDIT: i tested the Webrtc card, and that does work, unmuting after an answer works always! so must be related to frigate card
I think the webrtc card, always creates a new audio channel, while frigate just mutes … and an incoming call destroys the audio session probably

Maybe I’m being a bit thick but I’m not getting any audio and no microphone button.

My WebRTC card yaml:

type: custom:webrtc-camera
url: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/ISAPI/Streaming/Channels/101
mode: webrtc
media: video,audio,microphone

Am I missing something? I get a video stream but nothing else!

yeah, you are missing a lot! you need to switch between modes :slight_smile:

Here is mine, created it quicly, icons still looking ugly, but was just for testing
Yours doesnt work , cause you just point to an RTSP stream, but go2rtc is mandatory, its go2rtc thats providing two way audio

        - type: custom:webrtc-camera
            - url: deurbel
              mode: webrtc
              name: '🔇'
              icon: mdi:phone
            - url: deurbel
              mode: webrtc
              name: '🎙️'
              media: video,audio,microphone
          ui: true
          muted: false
          style: |
            .shortcuts {left: 85px; top: unset; bottom: 5px; right: unset; display: flex; flex-direction: column}
            .screenshot {display: none}
            .mode {display: none}
          - name: Answer
            icon: mdi:phone
            service: script.answer_call

deurbel => points to the go2rtc config, i have the go2rtc addon running

Ok, that makes sense and I have it working. I haven’t used this card before. I will try it when I get home from work this evening. Sound works but need someone to test the doorbell mic with!

thats good… maybe you can improve the card with better icons and stuff like that… maybe i can make a new guide based on the webrtc card

Ok, so I tried the webrtc card.

  1. 2 way audio working
  2. Press doorbell button
  3. Pressed the HA entity indoor button for answer call (waited a second)
  4. Pressed the HA entity indoor button for hangup call
  5. 2 way audio not working
  6. Closed the companion app and opened it again
  7. However - 2 way audio not back
  8. Waited 10 mins
  9. 2 way audio back again

So maybe it’s go2rtc?