Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

Hmm, non-issue for me with that card, tried it 4 times in a row…

Btw, make sure to stop the audio when it’s not used

Ah ok. Now it’s working so the audio and mic need to be stopped ahead of another doorbell press. So I can go this route for the doorbell and continue to use Frigate as well for its feature set. Although I hope that the author of Frigate has a look at their card! Thanks for your help @pergola.fabio

I am going to document my setup I think and post it here when I get some time.

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@pergola.fabio have you tried playing an mp3 back through the doorbell? I’m trying to insert a message that says ‘connecting your call’ so the caller doesn’t walk off while I try and answer the door.

I’m sure I have the service automation correct as I can play the mp3 through my other media_players.

I’ve configured my Hikvision Doorbell media_player like this in my configuration.yaml:


  • platform: webrtc
    name: maindoorbell
    stream: housedoorstation
    audio: pcm_alaw

It’s not playing however, any suggestions on the audio type?

Sorry , not tried yet,should work though with go2rtc indeed… I tested it a long time ago, but not sure if it was an mp3 file…
I think I posted it this thread somewhere, maybe you can look on media_player

See here, seems I tested the TTS service to send audio…

That worked perfectly to send an mp3 file to the doorbell. The key part to getting this working:

Installed this addon, make sure to use “master”

I’ll document this soon and post it for everyone.

Yeah, that time it was the master… Now it doesnt matter anymore, it’s included already

appreciate the donation!

You are more than welcome, your help has been super valuable so I wanted to give back for the effort. Enjoy a nice cup of coffee or two. Now I have everything working, I wrote a small guide which I hope helps others if they are trying to achieve the same thing. It’s based on the webrtc card for now until the Frigate card is working. I would prefer the Frigate card as it’s less clunky with what we are trying to achieve! Any idea how I can present the guide (in .docx or .pdf) to the community at large?

Thnx will enjoy it! :+)

Just drop an issue on GitHub, then I can cop my paste it on a new guide or maybe i alter the current frigate one

Will do. cheers @pergola.fabio

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Hello, for some reason relay switches does not work for my device. Does not report Status changes nor changes statuses. Logs does not contains any relatederrors. Everything else work as expected. Any suggestions?

Hi, i see you have configured your indoor station… Its best to connect to your outdoor station instead…

If you open the door outside, it doesnt create events to indoor stations, thats normal…
I also see you are trigger the com ports, those are not for the door, you need to trigger the relay ports, but again, not all indoor devices do support open door commands

best approach is to connect to your outdoor station, indoor is limited


My Plan was to turn on relay on indoor station (button can be exposed on the indoor console), catch this event in HA and open the Gates.

yeah, catching events will not gonna work from indoor, those are coming from outdoor
Unless maybe your door lock is connected to the indoor station… but most of the time locks are connected to outdoor

Those two relay ports are not connected anywhere, i just looking for the way to trigger automation in HA from indoor station, to open the gates.

You don’t have access to outdoor station?
Do you see the relay buttons as I showed earlier on screenshot, if not, try to add this to your config : output_relays: 2

Not sure if it will work, opening doors from indoor panels, only work with newer models… maybe it works, you can try…

I have access to outdoor station and the door opening works well there. I also have automatic gates that have tuya wifi module and are connected to HA. I would like to open close those gates form Indoor console, all i need is to get event from indoor console in to HA that one of the relays was opened or closed, to engage automation that wil open the gates

I see those relay buttons they are simply not working. Triggering them from indoor station does not generate any event, also switching them in HA does not change actual state of the relays.

Hi, you will not get events from indoor, only from outdoor!

The COM relays you see are NOT for the door, try to add this to your add-on config on your indoor :slight_smile:

output_relays: 2

That will make 2 extra buttons after a restart of the add-on, try those to open the door